Proposed custody for violence against a child


The Third Base Prosecutor’s Office proposed the detention for up to 30 days for the suspect SS (21), who was arrested this Tuesday by order of this Prosecutor’s Office on suspicion of having committed the crime of domestic violence and neglect and abuse of a minor.

– After questioning the suspect, the Prosecutor’s Office proposed detention for up to 30 days, given that the crime was punishable by imprisonment of more than five years, with elements of violence, and the manner in which the crime was committed caused public disturbances that they can to influence the fair and unimpeded conduct of criminal proceedings, it was said on behalf of Kurir.

It should be remembered that the SS filmed the cameras in New Belgrade as he moved his seven-month-old son from hand to hand like a doll. The shocking video appeared a few days ago and the police and the prosecution quickly identified and arrested her. The video shows the SS begging and throwing a child, and she took the older children with her.

( Photo Print Screen)

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