Prokuplje firefighters managed to save a cow that fell into a narrow and deep well


PROKUPLJE – Prokuplje firefighters, with the help of residents of Kaludra village, managed to remove a cow that fell into an unprotected well in the area of ​​that village over the weekend. The extraction of the cow from the well filled with water, more than 4 meters deep and about a meter in diameter, took about 3 hours, and the animal was removed unharmed.

Eyewitnesses to this unusual event say for Južne vesti that the cow that was released in the field to graze suddenly perished, but that luck was in the accident that it fell into the well without a lid with its hind legs.

photo: LJ.M. Southern News

By the time firefighters arrived, only the disturbed animal’s head was sticking out of the water, which was about a meter and a half deep.

– The cow was allowed to graze in a field not far from the village. At one point I heard the thud and roar of a helpless animal. I immediately called the fire department, which I have to commend because they arrived very quickly. His wit and skill delighted all the locals – a story for Južne vesti, a resident of Kaludra.

One of the firefighters went down to the well and slowly managed to tie the front leg of the frightened animal with a tape.

– It was not easy because the cow was upset, but in the end she succeeded. When they finished, with the help of a crane and the so-called “tripod”, they began to slowly remove the defenseless animal, says the local.

Although scared, the cow rose to its feet only minutes after being pulled out, and apart from some scratches on its back, there were no major injuries.

Locals note that the firefighters showed exceptional sacrifice and skills in bringing out the defenseless animal.

Illustrationphoto: Beta / Milan Obradović

By the way, this is not the first case in which Prokuplje firefighters rescue defenseless animals, mostly cats and dogs, and during 2013, with the help of several residents of the Prokuplje village of Babin Potok, they had a similar intervention and then they rescued a pony. field well.

A similar drama happened in 2015 at the Svrljig fair, when a cow in the cattle market broke through the fence of the trailer she was in and, fleeing in fright from the crowd, fell into the well behind the house next to the market.

(žne vesti)

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Author: delivery courier
