Prokić: the solution for New Year’s Eve in Serbia – curfew


The epidemiologist and member of the United Against Kovid Association, Ivana Prokić, stated that since the current measures are not being implemented, the celebration of the New Year should not be allowed and that the solution may be the introduction of the curfew.

I think the only measure left is to make a curfew for that night. So from six in the evening until morning, possibly it will be repeated for the replay, because then people will leave a day later, Prokić said. for Voice of America.

Simply to avoid at least a part of private parties, meetings, these receptions, etc. Simply, due to some impotence and disorganization of the state, I see that as the only solution, he added.

It’s not that someone doesn’t want to be happy, we sit at home all year long, but for a new year, if we can save people’s lives and the healthcare system, I think it’s a cheap price to pay, said Prokić, who also lives. works in Rotterdam.

It’s not clear to me if these clubs, hotels, think the measures will be relaxed by then, so they sell tickets with that hope, or do they really plan to organize it? It is irresponsible on the part of the hoteliers, the Crisis Staff and the state to allow it, he said.

Crisis personnel act like a pandemic commentator all the time, they come out, they say the numbers and that’s it. They do not implement their measures, they are not consistent, they contradict each other and they do not explain the measures to people, Prokić noted.

Prokic cautions that, in a situation where one person can infect five or six others, private parties can also be seen as super-spread events of the virus.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus
