PROFESSOR KOČOVIĆ INDICATED THE EXACT DATE: This is when Serbia will fight for the crown


Sunday August 15, 2021 is the day to be rounded in red. That is, then Serbia will be able to say that it has fought against the crown and that the epidemic of this disease is finally over.

This is based on mathematical models and the Gaussian curve, predicts information technology professor Petar Kočović, who until now, almost unmistakably, has predicted the movement of this infection in our country and in the world.

Explaining how he got to August 15, he points out that we will have at least two more key moments by then. He emphasizes that the end of the epidemic depends, above all, on us and on respect for the measures, but also on how the vaccine against kovid 19 will turn out.

– In recent days, there has been a notable decrease in new corona infections in Serbia, and if this trend continues, we can expect that we will leave the black zones on December 23 or 24, that is, we will finally have less than 1,000 new infected per 100,000 inhabitants – says Petar Kocovic.

The next important date is February 20.

– If we respect all the prescribed measures, especially for the next holidays, we can expect the end of the third crown wave in Serbia around February 20. Then we can take a break, ”he said.

Professor Kočović stresses that everything can go wrong during the upcoming holidays, which epidemiologists have already marked as a high-risk time and a turning point for the third wave.

When asked if August 15 is set as the date of the end of the crown in Serbia, he explains that unforeseen circumstances must be taken into account beforehand and a deviation of a few days up and down is possible.

Kocovic notes that he is optimistic, but that he definitely needs to be careful about predictions, especially when it comes to the end of the epidemic.

– It is not good or too early to declare the end of the epidemic, it can have serious consequences. For example, Slovenia was without the infected for 22 days this summer, so sooner or later they declared the end of the pandemic. It was a mistake and now, when they themselves do not know how to deal with the crown, there are no measures, not even the strictest, it helps – concluded the professor.

(Serbian telegraph)

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