Privatization in Serbia: “We inherited about 560 companies, now there are more than 70”


The Ministry of Economy plans to continue with the activities of the privatization process in the next period, which is expected by more than 70 companies.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, Jirsak

Photo: Depositphotos, Jirsak

This was stated by the Secretary of State of that ministry, Dragan Stevanovi, noting that privatization is entering its final phase.

Stevanovi says that out of about 70 companies, there are actually 20 for which public calls can be issued at the moment, and that this procedure will begin.

“Currently, there is a public call for the sale of capital for VPD Smederevo doo, and it is planned to publish public calls for the sale of two more companies by the end of the year,” Stevanovi said in an interview with “Vesti” from Frankfurt.

It clarifies that it is not possible to publish a public invitation for other companies at this time, because there are unresolved property recovery requests, certain legal disputes or some other property rights problem, and when that is said, the Ministry of Economy will prepare those companies for rebate.

“The number of public calls, as well as the possible income from sales, depends on the interest of investors, but also on the situation with the pandemic, so it is quite ungrateful to give estimates at this time. We inherited about 560 companies to privatize, and now there are more than 70, and you can certainly say that this procedure is entering its final phase, ”says Stevanovi.

Regarding Petrohemija, which President Aleksandar Vui spoke about recently, and said that an agreement had been reached with representatives of Gazpromneft to form teams of experts to consider the privatization of the company, Stevanovi said that “there are reasons for optimism , but the process is just beginning. ”

Stevanovi also said that the Ministry, in terms of privatization, has reason to be satisfied with the results, because in the previous five the biggest challenges have been successfully resolved, such as the giants: hardware store, Galenika, RTB Bor, PKB, but also other smaller companies.

During the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the ministry helped entrepreneurs, and will continue to monitor the situation, to be in contact with them, to react in a timely manner in case of need, Stevanovi noted.

“Support for new investments is planned for 2021, in order to start and strengthen GDP growth earlier … Serbia in 2020 has the smallest GDP decline under these circumstances in Europe, and GDP growth is expected next year”. said the Secretary of State.

It emphasizes that the Ministry focused most of its activities on measures that were, above all, to support the liquidity of the economy.

Stevanovi also said that the funds, more than 160 billion dinars, were intended to help the economy preserve liquidity and existing employment, and through these measures, 250,000 business entities have so far been supported.

Photo: Depositphotos, Tzido

Photo: Depositphotos, Tzido

He also said that the activities of the Ministry regarding the support of national and foreign investors did not stop and that no projects were stopped.

“No investor will withdraw, on the contrary, we have indications of reinvestment in Serbia and the announcement of the arrival of several new ones, which is encouraging,” Stevanovi said, adding that it shows that Serbia is an economic, political, legal and fiscally predictable and stable. , despite the problems caused by the pandemic.

He adds that the state does not separate national and foreign investors who have the same rights.

Remember that since the entry into force of the Investment Law, 121 agreements have been concluded between Serbia and investors.

Of this, 40 projects in follow-up know that the first phase of project implementation is finished, 81 are active projects and the implementation phase is underway. The investment value of 121 contracts is 2,500 million euros, which employs 46,000 people, ”said Stevanovi.

In terms of employment, it points out that the measures to support the economy “have even contributed to the growth of employees.”

Stevanovi affirmed that in the period from March 16 to 31, after the proclamation of the Kovid 19 pandemic, the total number of employees decreased by 15,000 people, but that since May, thanks to the support, employment began to grow, for which ended with 15 In November, there was an employee growth of more than 60,000.

An additional measure to support the economy to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic referred to the granting of loans to entrepreneurs to maintain liquidity through the Development Fund, through which more than 10 billion dinars were approved. Aid to entrepreneurs was provided through an ema guarantee through commercial banks, and so far 1.3 billion euros have been placed, ”said Stevanovi.
