Pristina has an international obligation to implement the JCC


The apartment is for Tanjug He said that the Brussels agreement was signed by all participants in the process and is valid.

“Furthermore, it has been ratified in the Kosovo Parliament. Therefore, Kosovo has assumed the international obligation to implement this agreement. It is up to them to say how to implement it,” Stano said.

When asked how he values ​​the change in the agenda of today’s expert talks in Brussels, Stano reiterated that at the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti, it was agreed to continue talks on mutual financial claims and the status of non-majority communities.

“These issues are very complex and both parties agreed in the previous days that today’s meeting would be fully dedicated to the issue of financial claims. As a continuation of this meeting, conversations on non-majority communities will continue in the coming days,” he concluded Stano.

Let us remind you that it started today in Brussels. a new round of trilateral talks Belgrade and Pristina at the expert level.
