Pristina has adopted a plan to implement the Washington accord.


Lyrics Koha ditore announced the government’s plan in Pristina for the implementation of the 16 points, ranging from Gazivoda to relations with Israel, reports Kosovo online.

“The first bullets list actions related to the construction of roads and railways connecting Belgrade and Pristina. The projects are expected to be carried out mainly through loans,” he said. Koha.

In the fifth point, a commitment is made according to which Pristina will participate in the activities of the “mini-Schengen”, including the next meeting of leaders.

The seventh point deals with the most sensitive issue of the agreement, which is the most controversial in Kosovo, on Lake Gazivode.

“The Prime Minister’s Office and the Department of Economics and Environmental Protection are providing the necessary cooperation to the US Department of Energy and other units of the US government by establishing a working group to study the feasibility “said the plan.

The working group will focus on determining the existing technical allocation of the lake’s water resources, exploring opportunities to improve the lake’s infrastructure, optimize the water supply, allow use for other purposes (eg irrigation, drinking), ” ensuring that any recommendation or proposal in the studies should not jeopardize current water use. “

Additional protection of the Serbian Orthodox Church

The plan reveals that the Washington agreement also provides for an amendment to the Law on Religious Freedom, in order to “implement the commitment of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti, regarding the additional protection of the Serbian Orthodox Church.”

Action is also envisaged regarding the implementation of a one-year moratorium whereby Kosovo will not submit applications for membership to international organizations.

“The Foreign Ministry will issue a circular letter to all institutions, withdrawing all applications, stating that Kosovo will not apply for membership in international organizations for a period of one year,” the plan reads. Koha.
