17.09.2020. 21:02
Pristina wants to completely avoid the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities and does not have a sincere will to come up with solutions to the most difficult problems, said MP Milovan Drecun.

Pristina, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza
Pristina wants to completely avoid what is the essence of the first Brussels agreement, and that is the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, regardless of whether such behavior shows that it is an unreliable interlocutor, a party that cannot be trusted. and whose behavior should always be doubted. ”Drecun declared for the First Radio Belgrade Program.
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He adds that the Pristina delegation came to Brussels to possibly discuss some economic issues, but that, as he says, nothing significant should be done there.
“Therefore, they give the impression that one thing should be discussed and a solution reached in mutual recognition, as they say, that is, that Serbia recognizes Kosovo. Therefore, they want to put pressure on both the international community and the Union. European, “Drecun said.
When asked if the EU will push Pristina further to implement the 2013 agreement on the Union of Serbian Municipalities, Drecun said we can only hope and believes that the behavior of the EU, especially Miroslav Lajcak, is such that it encourages Pristina to avoid the SSO issue.

Milovan Drecun, Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic
“You just have to remind you that it was agreed to go along two parallel tracks. One is what was agreed in the first agreement, but it was not fulfilled, and that refers especially to the SSO, and the other is to open issues such as the economy, return of displaced people and missing, “Drecun said.
Regarding the documents that are being “leaked” from the Special Prosecutor’s Office in The Hague, Milovan Drecun says that we do not have enough elements to know what exactly is behind and considers that it is a foul game.
He considers that this is an attempt to compromise the work of the Office of the Prosecutor due to the cooperation with the competent institutions of the Republic of Serbia.

Miroslav Lajcak, Photo: Tanjug / AP
“On the one hand, it has an attempt to compromise the work of the Prosecutor’s Office due to the cooperation with the competent institutions of the Republic of Serbia, because Belgrade allegedly falsified the documentation. On the other hand, it is a warning to witnesses so that they know its identity, or take it into account. ” about what he will say ”, explains Drecun.
He adds that if we take into account that the attempt to pass the Law for the Protection of the Value of the so-called The KLA “then it is a story already composed where messages are sent from two different sources to possible witnesses that they should not reveal the secrets of the crimes committed by the terrorist KLA not even in a dream. “