Print of the Week: “Lynching Therapy” Regimen Covers Crown Troubles and Her Affair


The “lynching therapy” on the security in danger of the president of Serbia, to which we have been exposed in the previous days, and inciting people to settle scores, aims to “cover” the problems with the crown, the affair with the brother of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, the brother of President Aleksandar Vucic, crime and the non-existent economy disintegration of this country, is the conclusion of tonight’s participants in the program “Impression of the week”, the leader of the SAA, Dragan Djilas, Branko Cecen from CINS and attorney Bozo Prelevic.

When asked how he commented on the demonization of dissidents in the media, as well as the statements of parliamentarians who have been saying for seven days that there are “some villains in the form of Djilas, NIN, Danas, Dr. Rade Panic, who want to put the security of the president is in danger “and why Božo Prelević, one of the founders of the Assembly of Free Serbia, explained a lot about it with the model that exists in politics: the model of the” besieged state “.

“It is the production of psychosis in which, while the state is surrounded, we must listen to a single person. You constantly meet someone who threatens you and you do various narratives. In these narratives, you will forget that those who are in power are the same ones who caused the wars of the 90s, deaths, hyperinflation, murders, ”Prelević said, reports.

And now in that narrative, the yellows are to blame for everything, and these are some new ones. You have to constantly produce enemies and draw attention to how the president is supposedly threatened. In this media plan, the truth suffers first. If the truth is on your side, why not free the media? That will bring him more popularity, if it’s true on his side, “asked Prelević.

When asked if the president was threatened, Branko Chechen of CINS said that it was not that, but the serious incompetence of the authorities to predict the next move.

“If you deal with these people through the media without stopping and without any control or sanctions, you are doing it more and more,” said the Chechen.

He pointed out that at this time when health workers are “dying” and the situation is much worse than at the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, this behavior of the authorities is a consequence of the same approach to the covid crisis – we will close these , not them, and when they have no money left. they can’t do anything “they can only pretend they can help.”

The Chechen emphasized that the SNS has created an environment of survival and small profits from the beginning, and that at this moment the most important thing is to survive this epidemic, and that it is very cynical that while this is happening, you are campaigning against political opponents.

“It is difficult for us to talk about it, and it is not difficult for someone to think about something,” he said.

Prelevic pointed out that no one here trusts this government more and that they can say what they want.

“How can you believe them when they jailed people on Good Friday, 300 infected people, and organized 7,000 infected people on Black Friday?” Prelevic asked.

According to the chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, the essence is that it all comes down to the history of the president and his safety in danger.

“Spin the tanks while people die from the crown. “We need to explain to the people why the elections are important, because the citizens do not choose between Vučić and Đilas, but how they will live tomorrow,” he said.

He also pointed out that “whoever does something in this country that is unacceptable is always Djilas or Djilas’s fault.”

“We live in a country that looks like this. It is easier for some to turn their heads to this madness and that is their way of defending themselves.” Whether you are involved in politics or not, all this madness and ignorance will trap you in the health care or ignorance, justice, journalism, “Djilas said, adding that he is used to those things.
