Principles congratulated Mareta on his birthday behind bars! Shameful torchlight next to the painted mural in Kotež! (PHOTO)


Marko Miljković, one of the leaders of the broken clan of Veljko Belikvuk, was congratulated on his birthday by fans of Princip with an embarrassing banner, next to the graffiti near the house of Zdravko Radojević, one of the victims of this criminal group.

embarrassing congratulations
embarrassing congratulationsphoto: Printscreen / Instagram

Let us remind you that the mural dedicated to Radojević’s late brother was painted and painted by the members of “Princip” after Zdravko’s death, and they drew graffiti of his fan group! How unscrupulous are the “Principles” and their latest procedure. That is, the part of the group that is at liberty supports the detained leaders on a daily basis, and now they have gone one step further with a shameful congratulation and a torchlight procession through Mareta.

support for detainees
support for detaineesphoto: Printscreen / Instagram

– We still love you, can anyone forbid it, to be the worst, to be the worst, we are on your side! Happy birthday to our brother Miljković Marko! -It is written on a banner that was placed in Kotež.

destroyed mural
destroyed muralphoto: Courier

Let us remind you, the clan of Belivuk and Miljković is accused of four murders, including the liquidation of Zdravko Radojević from Kotež, and last Saturday we had the opportunity to see horrible photos in which the bodies of the victims were mutilated. Belivuk and Miljkovic, as well as members of their group, have been in custody since their arrest on February 4. Miljković is suspected of being personally involved in these murders and, due to his brutality, he was also reportedly known by the nickname Butcher. Instagram, Dado Đilas, Kurir

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Author: delivery courier
