Principal: There was a misunderstanding, there are no infected students in the school – the Society


The corona virus was not confirmed in the sixth grade student at Natalija Primary School Nana Nedeljković “in Grošnica near Kragujevac, because she has not been tested, but she will be isolated for 14 days because the test results showed that her parents are positive for kovid 19 “.

Principal: There was a misunderstanding, there are no infected students in school 1Photo: EPA-EFE / Alessandro Di Marco

The girl will be examined only if she exhibits symptoms of the disease, the epidemiologist at the Kragujevac Institute of Public Health Predrag Delic told Danas.

– According to the information I have from yesterday and today, it is good and there are no symptoms, and the procedure is such that it will not be tested unless symptoms appear – Delic said yesterday.

He confirmed that the initial information that the student was infected turned out to be incorrect because there was a misunderstanding in the communication between her parents and the school.

As Danas wrote, the student appeared at school on Tuesday, September 1, although her parents were waiting for the test results, and they reported that they tested positive that day at night.

– After the information I received by phone from the head of the department that all family members were infected with the virus, I immediately contacted the head of the school administration, and the next day in the morning he was notified by telephone and in writing to the Institute of Public Health in Kragujevac and the sanitary inspection. says the principal of the primary school “Natalija Nana Nedeljković” Dragana Mijović.

Subsequently, the Institute of Public Health ordered that all prescribed protective measures be implemented in the school, and that students and school employees wear protective masks, respect the prescribed distance, and apply improved hygiene measures.

– We have implemented all the instructions we receive from the Kragujevac Public Health Institute. The institute informed us that the student was not tested, but her parents who test positive for the Kovid 19 virus, but that the girl should not have come to school until the results of the parents arrive and that all the recommendations Institute on prevention measures are still valid – he said. it’s Mijović yesterday.

The Ministry of Education appealed to parents to adhere to the recommendations and that if there is a suspicion that the kovid 19 virus is present in their families or if one of the family members is positive, inform the school immediately and without delay, that they do not attend school in accordance with recommendations given by the competent health institutions, as well as take all the prescribed measures. In addition, it is very important that the information that the department heads receive from the parents is accurate, clear and timely, the Ministry said.

Kon: What worries me the most are the high school students who don’t wear masks.

(Beta) Epidemiologist Predrag Kon, on the occasion of the start of the school year and on the fact that the virus appeared in a student in Belgrade, said that the virus will certainly enter schools, that there is no mistake, because no one stopped the virus . He said he is more concerned about high school students, who do not wear masks. “I contacted Minister Šarčević. We need to understand the youth and we have to work with those children,” Kon said.

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