Prime Minister Brnabić told us the stark truth: there is a big problem with vaccines!



10.12.2020. 13:19

Ana Brnabić stated that we can expect vaccines only at the end of next year.

Ana Brnabić

Ana Brnabić, Photo: Tanjug

If the country is rich or poor, it will decide on obtaining a vaccine against the corona virus, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said today.

– 96 percent of vaccines have already been bought by wealthy Western countries – said Brnabić at the conference “The impact of the coronary virus pandemic – KOVID -19 on the human rights situation in Serbia.

He then added that a corona virus vaccine manufacturer told him that Serbia could receive the vaccine only at the end of next year. These are the doses necessary for mass immunization.

– Yesterday I had a meeting with a company that produces vaccines and they told me that we can get the vaccine in the fourth quarter of 2021, because they have already sold all the stocks. That is Serbia, and imagine some poorer countries. The poorest country in the world is Mozambique, they can only receive the vaccine in 2022, said Ana Brnabić.

It should be recalled that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said that Serbia has already signed an agreement with the company “Pfizer” and that a small amount of doses, for priority categories of the population, will be available in the country by the end of the year.

Vučić and members of the crisis staff noted that vaccination in Serbia will begin in the first quarter of next year, but for the most exposed groups, such as medical workers and the military.

It was also announced that the vaccine will arrive successively in Serbia, and that the vaccination will be carried out partially among the population.
