Prices have risen and it is still not possible to obtain a mortgage for these buildings.


Country houses are becoming increasingly popular with Serbs, and demand for these properties simply “exploded” in the spring of last year, when a curfew was introduced due to the corona virus pandemic. At that time, everyone was trying to escape into nature, so the supply and prices were above expectations.

Those who did not yet have their own facilities tried to manage and buy a country house as soon as possible, which could be “bought” from 10,000 euros, depending on the size and location. Smaller wooden houses can be bought cheaper in Serbia.

Nevertheless, It turned out that it is not possible to get a housing loan for country houses, Since banks do not treat such buildings as objects for housing, that is, the country house is not considered “residential property”, so this type of loan cannot be obtained.

Despite that, many have found a way to obtain the required tens of thousands of euros without applying for a home loan. They decided to take out a cash loan and then use that money to buy a cabin. And most importantly, this possibility, unlike a few years ago, is not expensive. Today, it is possible to find a cash loan at an interest rate of less than 10 percent per year (usually between 8 and 12, depending on the amount and if you are already a bank customer).

village, village house, Serbian village
photo: Profimedia

Practically, the monthly installment of a five-year cash loan for an amount of around 5,000 euros ranges between 12,000 and 15,000 dinars, which means that in the end you would return to the bank about 1,000 euros more than the initial amount.

Banks say that in addition to the classic cash loan, there is another way to get a loan to buy a cabin with a more favorable interest rate. That is to say, these are the so-called cash loans with a mortgage, which are used most frequently to purchase facilities that cannot be financed through housing loans, such as garages, cabins, lots …

It is the mortgage that allows users to provide a larger amount of cash and a longer repayment period, with lower interest rates compared to a standard cash loan.

Why the cabins are not residential buildings

The National Bank of Serbia emphasizes that “residential real estate is considered a house, an apartment and the parts of a residential building that are intended for housing.”

The home loan determines its purpose, taking into account that it is a special category of long-term loans, which is approved for the purchase of an apartment or house, as well as for the construction, expansion, reconstruction and adaptation of a residential building. Regulatory treatment, residential real estate is considered a house, an apartment and the parts of a residential building intended for housing, garage, that is, garage space together with the apartment, as well as land with a building permit to build a house, provided that the cabins are not considered residential properties ”, they say in the NBS and add that the purpose of the house is fundamental, and that is the house.

However, they point out that the conditions for the approval of loans are determined by the commercial policy of the banks and that from the point of view of current regulations, there are no legal obstacles that prevent banks from approving loans for the purchase of cabins. according to your loan policy.

( MA)

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Author: delivery courier
