Price increase: How many dinars is electricity to “reach” the average bill for meat?


Electricity in Serbia will be 3.4 percent more expensive as of February 1 next year.


Photo: Depositphotos, carloscastilla

Photo: Depositphotos, carloscastilla

This should mean that the average household bill will be higher than the previous 100 dinars.

Also, starting in February, the average price of electricity for customers entitled to a guaranteed supply at regulated prices, which include households and small customers, will be 7.86 dinars per kilowatt hour. By the way, the last time the price of electricity increased was in November 2019, and since then the average price per kilowatt-hour has been 7.3 dinars, Dnevnik writes.

For several months it has been said that electricity has become more expensive in public, but there have been no changes in the price. Now the rise in the price of electricity, which will continue in just over a month and will be felt in the bills that will reach homes in March of next year, is true because the decision was made by the Council of the Energy Agency, approving the decision on electricity prices. power for guaranteed supply, at the request of PE “Electric Power Industry of Serbia”. AERS notes that the price is determined on the basis of the maximum approved revenue, excluding taxes and fees, and that even after the correction, on the first of November 2019, the price of electricity in Serbia will remain significantly lower than in the region and Europe.

So the electricity bills will be higher, but for those who heat with electricity, the relief is, however, that it will happen practically before the end of the heating season. Although average electricity bills will not be much higher than they are now, the truth is that the finest kuna will have additional thinning, especially for consumers who do not fit the average consumption.

That is, even now the bills for the electricity consumed by those who heat their homes with electricity are not small, and with the new prices, no matter how small the correction, they are also growing, so it is very important to take good care of the consumption of kilowatts. In addition, the average electricity bill of about 3,300 dinars will be about 100 dinars higher, but the higher the electricity consumption, the higher the amounts paid, although the percentage of increase is the same. If 400 kilowatts of electricity are now being consumed, it means that the largest number of kilowatts was consumed in the cheapest green zone, and the same number of cheap and expensive kilowatts, about 3,300, will be slightly higher than the 3,400 dinars in February. With the same kilowatt consumption, but 300 expensive and 100 cheap, the bill will be around 3,900 dinars today, with a price increase of 3.4 percent, closer to the amount of around 4,100 dinars.

If consumption falls into the red zone, where kilowatts are three times more expensive, the bills increase in greater amounts. Thus, with 1,700 kilowatts consumed and the same amount of expensive and cheap, the bill is around 14,000 dinars, and as of February it could be close to 14,500 dinars. With the consumption of 1,150 expensive and 550 cheap kilowatts, the bill is now around 16,500 dinars, and from February it could be more than 17,000 dinars. If the same number of kilowatts is consumed, but in reverse proportion, the bill is now around 11,500 dinars, and as of February it could approach the amount of 12,000 dinars.

The bill is also in January.

The final figure of the bill that is paid monthly for the electricity consumed is the sum of several elements that are calculated with the kilowatts consumed. Also, although the price of electricity will increase in February next year, the bills will increase by less than 50 dinars when calculating the January consumption. That is, as of January 1, the rate for public service will be higher and instead of 255 dinars, this item will be 299, and since citizens are charged that cost in the bills for the electricity consumed, the union , and with the same consumption, it will be higher in the first month of next. years.
