President Vučić makes all the facts public, politicians fear: Serbia must know the truth



02.12.2020. 18:38 – 02.12.2020. 18:46

President Vučić will respond to all falsehoods about the price of a square meter of our hospitals with the facts on tomorrow’s program on RTS | 1 at 9:15 pm

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

President Vučić He pointed out how proud he was of the Serbian and state workers, as well as everyone else who contributed to the fight against him. korona virusa succeed.

“Proud of our workers and our state, which built a magnificent hospital in Batajnica in just four months. The sole goal of each of us was and remains to save the lives of people in the most difficult conditions of coronavirus infection I’m sorry and sometimes I can’t believe it. There are people and the media who are not happy about the success of their country, who are not happy about anything that Serbia is undertaking in the fight against the coronavirus, but they see their main collaborator and ally in the evil virus.

I will answer all the falsehoods about the price of a square meter of our hospitals with the facts in tomorrow’s program on RTS | 1 at 9:15 pm

Unfortunately, some politicians always see themselves in others and therefore come to the wrong conclusions. We have done this great job for Serbia honestly, responsibly and efficiently.

Serbia will win the crown. Long live Serbia! ”, It was posted on the Serbian President’s Instagram account.
