President Vučić had an important speech at the UN tonight


Tonight, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addressed the participants of the General Debate, within the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, through a video link, with the message that politics Foreign Affairs of Serbia aims at European integration, deepening cooperation with countries around the world and especially relations with neighbors. cooperation.

“Serbian policy, insisting on preserving peace and stability, cooperation and economic progress, is the basis for tackling the solution of a long-standing problem, in the best interest of both Serbs and Albanians,” Vucic said, referring to the problem of preserving the territorial integrity of Serbia. efforts to solve the problem of the Serbian autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija, despite all obstacles, he said.

He pointed out that Serbia, on that path, was and will face numerous pressures, because it is at the crossroads of different political interests, but expressed confidence that a solution will be possible after a long and difficult dialogue.

“But make sure that Serbia will never accept humiliation. Accepting anything that is not a compromise is not a solution for us. Both sides should be equally satisfied and dissatisfied with the compromise,” the Serbian president said.

He stated that the recent new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, under the auspices of the EU, after almost two years of stalemate, is only the first step on that road, while a further big step towards finding a mutually acceptable solution. It is the signing of an agreement on the normalization of economic relations in Washington. September 4, which will help improve the lives of citizens throughout the region.

In that context, he emphasized the constructive and important role of the administration of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in reaching this agreement and as a sign of its commitment to find a definitive and sustainable solution to an important issue. ” Belgrade-Pristina dialogue The right way to find a sustainable solution between the two sides, but the starting point cannot be to humiliate and accept the supposed independence of Kosovo. However, we believe that an agreement between Serbs and Albanians is the key to the regional stability. Serbia remains committed to finding a compromise solution to the common future Kosovo problem and the policy of peace and cooperation, “said Vucic.

He noted that Serbia is aware of the seriousness and complexity of relations with certain neighbors, but also committed to solving problems exclusively through dialogue, and emphasized the commitment to the development of economic cooperation, as an approach that increases the mutual trust and facilitates the resolution of open issues.

photo: Tanjug screenshot

He recalled that last year, with the Prime Ministers of North Macedonia and Albania, he established, guided by the need to improve economic cooperation and improve investment conditions in the Balkans, an initiative that allows the free movement of people, capital, goods and services, and thus closer cooperation between the three countries. .

He said the initiative was open to others in the region and invited them to join it.

Vučić noted EU membership as a priority of Serbia’s foreign policy and stated that the European perspective of the Western Balkans was and continues to be an important stimulus for reform processes, noting that without full integration of the Western Balkans, the common European political and economic space will not be complete.

“Our European path, however, does not preclude a commitment to developing and deepening relations with countries around the world, both Western, including the United States, and others, and we are proud of the extraordinary relations with Russia and China.” Vucic said.

He stressed that the focus of Serbia’s foreign policy is also cooperation with friendly countries in Africa, the Pacific and Latin America.

Recalling that the 75th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter and the founding of the UN is an important jubilee for humanity, Vucic stressed that Serbia strongly supports multilateralism and the principles of the UN Charter and highlighted the principles of non-interference in internal affairs, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. respect for differences should not be questioned.

As a representative of a country that has suffered especially and made great sacrifices in the fight against Nazism and fascism, as he said, Vučić said on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II that the common duty is to preserve the memory of the scariest conflict in modern history. tries to relativize the horrible crimes of World War II.

photo: Tanjug screenshot

He pointed out that Serbia is not among the big countries, neither in terms of territory, nor in population, and stressed the importance of the UN and the General Assembly, which provide space for small ones to express their points of view and defend them with arguments, and that the theme of this year’s debate recalls the importance of multilateralism. UNITED NATIONS.

“Only through joint actions, mutual harmonization, can we face global threats like the current pandemic,” Vucic said, adding that the pandemic further shows the need for deeper and more intense cooperation from the international community, in which the UN and WHO have an important role. a few words about a challenge that also has a socio-economic, political and security dimension.

He said that the new reality in the world is proof that a country cannot face modern challenges alone, noting that Serbia, in the fight against the pandemic, when needed, received the support of friendly countries, whom he thanked for the aid, especially mentioning “European partners, Chinese and Russian friends”, adding that Serbia also showed solidarity and provided assistance to other countries.

He also stated that great solidarity was expressed in the region in that difficult period, which, he noted, is largely the result of the constructive and proactive approach that Serbia has built in previous years with its neighbors.

He announced that Serbia would continue to support the World Health Organization as well as the coalition in the search for the vaccine. Vučić also told participants that the pandemic had shaken the world’s largest economies, but that Serbia had managed to maintain a stable and fiscal budget and monetary system, which is fully prepared to take measures to support the economy.

He noted that Serbia was the fastest growing country in the first six months and that he expected it to continue.

“We have made great efforts to help the economy survive, through discipline and good management of public finances. Serbia has excellent economic results in the first quarters of this year, and we hope to remain one of the most stable economies. Europe at the end of the year. We are not a rich country. To say that we are not poor either. We hope that by the end of the year we will have the highest growth in all of Europe, “said Vučić.

He also emphasized Serbia’s commitment to peace and security, not only in the national and regional dimension, but also its active global commitment and participation in the collective security system.

Vučić claimed that Serbia has continued the tradition of Yugoslav participation in UN peacekeeping missions, which began in 1956, and is today the leader in the Western Balkans as the largest contributor of military and police forces on the list. from countries participating in UN missions.

The president also said that by fighting for peace and stability, Serbia has committed itself to military neutrality and that it is convinced that this is one of the strongest messages of peace sent from the Balkans to the world.

He reiterated to the participants in the debate that Serbia is not in the group of large countries, in terms of territory and number of inhabitants, but conveyed that, in terms of its contribution to culture and science, it is one of the most developed.

Recalling that UNESCO ranked our scientist Nikola Tesla among the most important people of the 20th and 21st centuries, Vučić claimed that this was proof of our contribution to world civilization.

“The time period from the fresco of the White Angel in the Milesevo and Nikola Tesla monastery covers the period from the Renaissance to the present day,” Vucic said.

With the message that the UN remains irreplaceable, as when it was founded, Vučić noted that Serbia will remain a serious and trustworthy partner to achieve its goals and strengthen cooperation in the UN to build a better future for all.

Referring to the words of the American artist Isidora Duncan, after the First World War, that the violence of the great and powerful can be turned against them, and that the best example of not having to attack the small is the small Serbian nation, that ended an empire. which lasted almost a thousand years, Vučić said: “Serbia despises all kinds of violence, wants peace and prosperity for itself and for all humanity. Serbia wants peace for its region.”


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