President Vučić announced in verse a successful 2021 for Serbia


YOU SEE, IT WILL BE A BEAUTIFUL AND IMPORTANT YEAR: President Vučić announced in verses a successful 2021 for Serbia

Photo: Instagram Printscreen

The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić announced a successful 2021 for our country by sharing the verses of a song by Duško Radović.

You see, it will be a beautiful and important year. It will be great, from January to December. It adapts to all birthdays and many unforgettable moments.

It will be a year to remember. They will build a road somewhere, a bridge somewhere, a school somewhere. Many will move into new apartments. Everyone will be happy about something. We will hear the good news. It will be the year I grow up. In the new year, Serbian children will grow by more than 20 million centimeters and by more than 20 million kilograms. Mirrors and combs will sell a lot. Doctors will yawn in clinics because we will be healthier than ever. It will be a beautiful year. Acacia and linden will flourish. Cherries, plums and grapes will give birth again. The sky will be blue and big. The sun will be nice and warm for us. Someone will write a new song. Someone will fall in love for the first time. The new mothers will carry the new children in their arms. It will be a good year. We will work, study and sing. When we get tired, Saturday and Sunday will always be on time. We will finish some important jobs and start some even more important ones. We will all take photos to commemorate that good year. When we meet again, on December 31, we will not meet because we will all be bigger, prettier and smarter.

Along with the verses of Dusko Radovic, the president published a video in which the flag of Serbia flies.

Let us remind you that the President opened the Balkan Stream pipeline in Gospodjinci yesterday morning at 6 o’clock. Balkan Stream is part of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, a project of Russia’s Gazprom and Turkey’s Botash, which should ensure a stable gas supply to Turkey, southern and southeastern Europe. The gas pipeline is 930 kilometers long and has a capacity of 31.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year.


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Author: delivery courier
