President of VUCIC IN BATAJNICA: Intermodal Terminal will mean a lot for Serbia (VIDEO)


The foundation stone-laying ceremony began shortly after 11:30 a.m. M. At first, the President of the Crown greeted those present with a greeting.

Then a video was shown showing what the intermodal center will look like in two years.

Vučić: We know who committed the murder yesterday

We know who committed the murder in New Belgrade yesterday, said President Aleksandar Vučić, noting that the state is in a fierce confrontation with criminals and that it will “clean up” them all.

He points out that it is not always easy to fight crime, since we have many “imported clans”, as well as that today there is a fierce fight between the leaders of the criminal clans, and that this conflict is mostly imported to our country.

As you said, our people who are involved in that are mostly “contractors” in the sense of selling narcotics or they are shooters, as well as some people from the Republika Srpska.

– It is our job to clean it and we will do it, but first we must clean those who cooperate with murderers and criminals. Those who receive money to allow someone to pass through certain roads or logistics, or to give information about the movement of another criminal group – said Vučić.

He said that the fight against crime will be the fiercest, it will not be short-lived or limited, and concrete results will be seen.

That fight just started, Vučić emphasized.

– People who are highly positioned in one of the clans that tried to kill Alibeg, one of the former leaders of the fans, have been arrested. It’s about the drug business. We also know who committed the murder yesterday (in New Belgrade) and the search for that person continues. And they thought it was impossible to find out. Even during the recent assassination at the Ušće shopping center, they had important contacts with people from state structures, the president said.

President on measures against the crown

Responding to the question about the measures, Vučić says that there are people who are responsible and who are not interested in anything.

– We are doing something because we take care of the state – emphasized Vučić.

Vučić said that today we are becoming fifth in Europe in terms of success in the fight against kovid.

– That means that we managed to measure which is the correct measure – Vučić evaluated, adding that it is easier to criticize everything.

The most severe punishment for aggressors from a doctor at the Infectious Disease Clinic

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić declared today that he will request the most severe punishment for people who assaulted the doctor at the Belgrade Infectious Disease Clinic.

– Attacks on doctors are inadmissible and that is why I will demand the severest punishment for the thugs who attacked a doctor at the Infectious Disease Clinic. Tell me to put whatever pressure I want, I am going to ask all state institutions ten times to dare to treat doctors like that, especially the people who treat them day and night – said Vučić.

Salary increase as of January 1

President Aleksandar Vučić announced today that as of January 1, wages for medical workers will be increased by an additional five percent, and for all other public sector employees, the increase will be 3.5 percent.

-We will go from January 1, and in the conditions of kovid and the global economic crisis, with an increase in the wages of all medical workers by five percent more, and for all others in the public sector by 3 5 percent, or five percent as of April 1, ”he explained.

He claims that the consent of the IMF will be obtained for the wage increase, and that it will not be a waste, nor a waste of money, that is, it will not jeopardize the rate of public debt, but everything will be under absolute control.

10,000 for healthcare workers next week

– We have prepared money for health workers, 10,000 each. We have reserved a sum of about 12 million euros. That money will be paid out over the next week, so it will be received on Friday, the president said.

Vučić said that the Ministry of Health has done its job, but other ministries such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Army, the Ministry of Justice and Labor have not yet presented their findings, so when they do, all health employees will receive that money.

Vučić: This means a lot for Serbia

President Aleksandar Vučić said that the intermodal terminal will mean a lot to Serbia.

– This is a condition without which we cannot move forward, to increase the volume of work, but also to increase prices – said Vučić.

– I never understood that terminology, what that intermodal terminal means, and that is like a kind of dry port where goods will be transshipped. Vienna has three of these and Germany has a hundred, that’s how valuable it is. Thanks to the citizens of the European Union and the EU for the funds they gave us here – noted Vučić

As he says, a significant number of people will be working at the terminal and he expects that we will have at least three times more trucks on the streets than today.

Once again he thanked the “friends of the EU, the ministries of Jadranka and Zoran”, as well as the workers to whom he wished a happy job.

– And you, Tomo, to continue like this – the President addressed the new Minister of Construction and Transport, Momirović, who succeeded Zoran Mihajlović in that position.

Joksimović: the largest logistics center in this part of Europe

Minister Jadranka Joksimović addressed the gathering and emphasized that it will probably be the largest logistics center in this part of Europe.

Sam Fabrica addressed the guests

The head of the EU in Serbia, Sam Fabrizi, was the first to address the guests and greeted everyone present in Serbian. He said that this year will be remembered for the crown, but also for the connection here in Serbia, which is the basis of the market economy in the EU.

Photo: Printskrin

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