President at the patriarch’s funeral: Vučić did not listen to Vučić for ten years


After the funeral of the Serbian patriarch Irinej, there was a debate about who he was and whether he should have spoken at it. This dilemma seems to have lasted for more than a decade, because eleven years ago, the then opposition, and the current government, criticized Boris Tadić for his speech at the funeral of Patriarch Pavle.

In the past eleven years, Serbia has been left without two supreme leaders of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The death of Patriarch Pavle was an occasion for then-opposition politicians to criticize President Boris Tadic for speaking at the funeral.

“There was no place in the Synod session, there was no place to speak after the Ecumenical Patriarch”, Aleksandar Vučić spoke in 2009.

“I should have helped and done everything, all the state bodies had to do their best to organize themselves in the best way, and not appear anywhere except next to the scaffold of the Serbian patriarch Mr. Pavle, and send a statement as soon as death occurred, “he said. is then him.

The body of the Serbian Patriarch Pavle was in front of the temple of Saint Sava, and the funeral was also attended by state leaders led by President Tadić.

“So at that time, on behalf of the citizens of Serbia, I thanked everyone who came to our country. There were also foreign statesmen, religious leaders, and I said just a word or two about how I understood the work and mission of the Patriarch. Pavle “. says Tadic for H1.

The entire speech of the then president at the funeral of Patriarch Pavle said: “I think I share the opinion of the citizens of Serbia, expressing gratitude to His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Mr. Pavle for always existing, and for existing before all of us in his work. and in his words to always be human. ” We never respond to the evil of others with evil in ourselves. Peace of mind to Serbian Patriarch Mr. Pavle “.

A decade later, Aleksandar Vučić found himself in the same situation as the state president. He did not listen to Aleksandar Vučić of ten years ago, who advocated that statesmen not speak at the patriarch’s funeral.

“I just want to tell people that the day he went to the hospital, he called me and said, ‘Do I have to go to the hospital, Alexander?’ – such was the man – ‘I heard you yesterday on television when you said how many sick we have, why should I go to someone’s bed?’ When we heard each other a day later, he simply asked: ‘Is everything under control, is everything fine in the country and in the diaspora?’ let us do all we can in Srpska and in Kosovo ‘”, this is just a small part of President Vučić’s speech at the funeral of Patriarch Irinej.

The former president listened carefully and said that Vučić also abused the patriarch’s funeral for the purpose of exalting himself.

“Not that it didn’t look majestic, but it was beyond all decency and statehood. Vučić will eat every word of his life, including the attack on me when I headed for the death of Patriarch Pavle, only to instrumentalize and use it to preserve. their own government, “Tadic said.

Addressing the president even in a situation like the death of a patriarch is not unusual or prohibitedsays historian Aleksandar Raković.

“It is not unusual for any society, for any country, and especially not in the Orthodox world, where in fact the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian state should be the two lungs of a single people,” Raković notes.

Patriarch Irinej was buried during one of the most serious waves of coronavirus infection in 2020.
