Preservation of peace, health care and better standards are the most important for Serbia in 2021


The most important interests and objectives of Serbia for the coming year are the preservation of peace and stability, the health care of citizens and a further improvement of the standard of living, President Aleksandar Vučić said yesterday at the press conference. New year. He said that Serbia has set itself big and ambitious goals for 2021, despite difficult and complex international and regional circumstances, and will strive to fully preserve peace and stability in the region and our country, while preserving national interests. and vital states. – Taking into account the significantly changed foreign policy circumstances, as well as the somewhat changed regional relations, the accomplishment of this task will not be easy, but working together with the Government it is possible to achieve the best results, security and a secure future for the citizens. When we talk about what the second most important goal is, it is, of course, the health of citizens, victory over the crown and the continuation of work to improve our health system, Vučić emphasized.

Higher wages and pensions

As he stated, the third objective is to continue improving the standard of living, both by increasing wages and pensions, as well as by investing in cleaner air, better roads, railways, and the construction of a gas pipeline network. The president said that he expects us to finish next year with a growth rate of six percent, and at the same time maintain the level of public debt at 60 percent. – We must not leave debts and burdens on our children, but we must do household chores. The goal is for the average salary to be between 560 and 570 euros by the end of the year, while in Belgrade it would be around 700 euros. Salaries for health workers will increase by five percent from January 1, for others in the public sector by 3.5 percent, and from April 1 by another 1.5 percent, while corporals, sergeants and non-commissioned officers of the Serbian army will receive an additional increase of 10 percent. . With regard to pensions, there is an increase of 5.9 percent since January 1, and the goal is to have an average of around 270 euros before the end of the year, and we will strive to continue increasing benefits for the elderly – announced Vucic and added that the minimum will be increased. to more than 32,126 dinars, or 6.6 per cent.

The president also said he expected a new deal with the IMF and announced that Serbia’s credit rating should be raised to investment by the end of 2021 or early 2022, which would equalize the rating with the most developed countries in the EU.

Aleksandar Vučić
photo: Zorana Jevtić

Winning policy

– In 2020, Serbia is the fastest growing country in Europe. Even in the worst variant, which is equal to minus one percent, that is the best result in Europe. I am proud to be the president of the country with such results – emphasized Vučić.

Speaking of foreign policy, he said that Serbia remains on the course of the winning policy: the stability policy. – We continue on the path of European integration, we will carefully preserve the friendship with Russia and China. I know it is not easy for us, but we will have to make friends with the United States. We continue with the winning policy, in which Serbia is in first place, the policy whereby Serbia will be in the top three countries in Europe in terms of growth rate in the next two years – noted the President.

He especially highlighted investments in medical care, recalling that two new covid hospitals have been opened and that the renovation and construction of health facilities continues throughout Serbia.

The vaccines are coming

– And we’ll report vaccination to the best of our ability. We have all the capabilities. We expect about 77,000 “Pfizer” vaccines in January, arriving each week. That will be enough for the residents of nursing homes, and I hope that we will immunize workers in centers and hospitals from covid by the end of January, Vučić announced, adding that the first quantities of Russian vaccine should arrive in Serbia before the end. of year.

As you mentioned, negotiations are taking place with some western producers, but also with the Chinese. Vučić emphasized that we are, convincingly, the first in the region in terms of the number of hospitalized per 100,000 inhabitants, and that is exactly why we have a low mortality rate. – I am proud of the fact that we did not lack respirators and medicines. We found and bought everything we needed. I am convinced that we will continue in the next period, as far as vaccination is concerned. Nobody in the Western Balkans still has the vaccine, and we do. Others will have them only in January, Vucic recalled.

He specified that new shipments of “Pfizer” vaccines are expected on January 4, 11, 18 and 25. – We will also negotiate with “Moderna”, “Johnson and Johnson”, but also with “Sinovak”. We hope that Oliver Verhelji will help us and that we will obtain the EU vaccines faster through the Covax program – he explained.


Summing up last year, the president made a list of the three best and three worst things that happened: – I am happy about the construction of new hospitals, it was worth it. The second place is the Preljina-Požega section and the Belgrade – Novi Sad railway. And third, the progress of the works in Belgrade on water, as well as the start of the construction of the metro, which will be good news. Also, the fact that Serbia is the first in terms of growth rate is a huge result. As for the negatives, coronavirus! Crown, because we lost a lot of good people. Corona, because our economic performance would be even better if it weren’t for the epidemic. Crown, because we ruin the normal lives of both our old and young. To the old people who we tied to the house, and to the young people who did not have a free and normal life.

Evaluation for the Government of Serbia LACK OF ENERGY IN SOME MINISTERS

In evaluating the government’s work, the president said he was satisfied with many ministers, while certain officials, as he described, show a lack of enthusiasm and energy. – The government has achieved good results in difficult conditions, although it can always do better. I am more satisfied with some ministers, their work and commitment. Somewhere it seems to me that there is a lack of energy. I see that I lack energy in relation to some and that is why I am happy – he explained.


Vučić also responded to the attacks of Meljiza Haradinaj Stuble, the so-called Minister of Foreign Affairs. the state of Kosovo, which accused Serbia of not respecting the Brussels agreement when vaccinating in Kosovo and Metohija: – The fact that they control the administrative steps does not mean that they can stop life. We do not send cannons and tanks, but medicines and vaccines. We are ready to send Albanians as well. But don’t say we threaten someone. Of course, we have not violated anything in the Brussels agreement.

Aleksandar Vučić
photo: Zorana Jevtić

Even stronger against the mafia SOON GREAT ARRESTS

Speaking about corruption and organized crime, the President emphasized that the fight against all criminal structures in our country continues and that it will intensify even more. – Nothing prevented me from fulfilling the promise given, and I am proud that there are no cartels and no connection of large companies with government people. I do not know anyone who has enriched himself with 500 or 600,000 euros, as it was before … I try to make Serbia stronger and better, and that’s why I laugh when I hear how someone was included in the price of vaccines or in construction of hospitals – he said. Vučić also announced that known criminals in our country would be arrested in the coming months.

THE OPPOSITION SUPPORTS THE CROWN, NOT THE DOCTORS, on the behavior of political opponents

Asked about the dialogue with the opposition, Vučić said that he was the president and that he was dealing with important issues, as well as that it was pointless to talk to someone who compared him to Hitler. He then revealed the results of the public opinion poll that was presented to him. -You have these television moguls where Seselj or Milos Jovanovic will never be called the opposition, but only a part of the opposition, some parties that all together have between five and six percent. You better not read how many estimates they have, in total. They wrote somewhere that the crown will not overthrow Vučić. At the beginning of the pandemic, they wrote that nothing would bring me down faster than the crown. They support the fall of Serbia. They support the flooding of the Batajnica hospital, so that as many people in the crown as possible die. That is their entire program. Unlike them, I support Serbia and will continue to fight for it. They support the crown, not the doctors – said Vučić.

home 29.12.2020.
photo: Courier


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