PREPARE FOR A STRICT WINTER WITH MORE SNOW: Meteorologist Reveals When To Expect Precipitation


According to current forecasts, this year will also be different in that regard, so a somewhat harsher winter awaits us than we have become used to in recent years. However, experts emphasize that this does not mean an extreme disadvantage, but only slightly more snow than last year.

For now, the forecasts show such a picture, but what kind of weather we can expect throughout the winter, we will find out shortly before Arandjelovdan, more precisely after November 20, confirms RHMZ director Jugoslav Nikolić.

– Until then, all world experts will present an analysis of the situation and we will be able to clearly see the predictions for Serbia and the entire region. It is the safest method with the help of which we can predict whether this winter will really be harsher than it seemed this fall, says Jugoslav Nikolić.

The most we can say at the moment is that the winter will be a little colder and there will be more precipitation, because there are signs of that, says meteorologist Nedeljko Todorović.

– It is impossible to give precise data more than a maximum of 10 days in advance. With a probability of just over 60 percent, we can predict what winter will be like. This should really be sharper, but that “rhythm” is never strict and it often happens that it is not how we would expect it otherwise, explains Nedeljko Todorović.

Therefore, the advice to all is to be as prepared as possible for somewhat harsher conditions than last year. However, even if it is snowing in Serbia, it certainly will not be extreme and there is no room for panic, experts say.


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