Prelevic and Gajic on the beating in Novi Sad: Serbia lives in violence


The lawyers Božo Prelević and Vladimir Gajić, speaking on the 360 ​​degrees program about the brutal beating case in Novi Sad, agreed that this case is only one of many that are occurring in our country, but it differs from others in that it was recorded and published to the public. They pointed out that “Serbia is a country of violence”, as well as that citizens encounter this or similar cases of physical confrontation every day.

“What happened on August 24 in Novi Sad is not an incident in Serbia. Serbia lives in violence. This was recorded, and there is so much violence in all parts of the country. I believe that the police and the prosecution can fight criminals I think there are enough. “The European Union has said that this is a country where crime and kleptocracy reign, and a country that cannot open a single chapter in the negotiations with the EU,” said Prelevic.

He explained that the police could have issued a court order against the suspect Ivan Kontić and that he would not have been able to enter the prosecutor’s office eight days after the incident.

“The political part of the police is pushing all the police into a kind of conflict, as if you were watching a reality show, a kind of ‘Farm’, nonsense that confuses Serbian eyes,” he said.

“Basically, this is scandalous, because you see that the police have only one reason why they would not go after the one they tried to kill, and that reason is always political. So what other is there?” He asked. He adds that this political rationale also exists in scandals like “Jovanjica”, beatings of students, angry fans, and many others.

“Serious action against crime is needed here, and this is not done just because it comes to ‘politics’. And this is not the first time, we saw it all in the 1990s. We live in violence,” he said. Prelevic.

Gajic agreed with the statement that this case is not isolated, but is part of our general social problems.

“This physical confrontation seems to me to have no political antecedents. However, what follows, the conflict between the prosecution and the police, is very interesting. It seems to me that the police are more right. Without a doubt, this is what he said. head of the Novi Police Department. “Sadu, who reported to the prosecution that same night. These events of the Emergency Centers are being processed very quickly, and I believe that they informed the prosecution. It seems to me that there is a conflict between the prosecution and the police behind the scenes, “Gajic said.

He assessed that “the conflict between the Minister of Police and other powerful people in the SNS lasts for at least two years.”

“It started when he expelled Secretary of State Dijana Hrkalović from the Interior Ministry. There was also influence from Washington, as well as her connection to one of the two clans in Montenegro,” he said.

Gajić believes that the mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, is an exponent of the brother of the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, as well as that the mayor is in some kind of conflict with the police.

“The most interesting thing that will only be recognized later is Parovic, who posted the video. This video can be owned by the service, or by the one that can control video surveillance. Parovic is part of that establishment in Novi Sad. This is used here. an event to bring order to the police in Novi Sad, which in a certain segment interferes with a serious international cartel at work in Vojvodina, and that is the essence of the problem, ”Gajic noted.

Gajic: The victim knows that this is not a state governed by the rule of law and that there is no protection.

Prelevic stressed that in this case it is also important to determine when the police informed the prosecutor about the name of the perpetrator, and Gajic stressed that it is clear that the victim is afraid to present broader information about the conflict to the public.

“Both he and his family know that this is not a state that is governed by the rule of law and that it does not have protection. Consider that it is better if you stick your head alive. You have a serious crime that is outside the law and you can do whatever you want, “Gajic said.

When talking about the maneuver of the Minister of State of the Interior Ministry, Biljana Popović, who showed the testimonies of witnesses in public, the interlocutors of the 360-degree show emphasize that it is prohibited and that she should not have done it.

Commenting on the lack of information from the Montenegrin police, Gajic explains that there is a bilateral agreement between the two countries, as well as that he (Ivan Kontic) would be extradited if it is determined that he is in their territory.

“The behavior of the Montenegrin police is understandable, because they are not expected to issue statements, but rather to deprive him of his freedom if they find him,” Prelevic said.

He also warned of the possibility of “forgetting” this case if the media do not continue to follow this beating, and recalled the case of the arrest of Aleksandar Obradovic, a Krusik whistleblower, whose detention lasted a year and also had no epilogue.

Speaking of how the wave of crime and violence in our country could be stopped, Prelević recalled the action “Saber”.

“Here I see the escalation of crime and the buying of those guys who could overthrow the government on the street tomorrow. The fans in our country are untouchable and the amount of beatings in this city that is happening cannot be compared with the reports of press that are published days, ”he warned.

“This is a country where qualified personnel cannot get past party glasses, which have always been very important, but these current glasses have been captured,” Prelevic said.

On the possibility of changing the system and reducing violence, Gajic affirmed that our country has never had someone like Judge Falcone in Italy, and specified that “the government clearly elects people like Zagorka Dolovac.”

“The regime has never been wrong here to bring a person of character to that place, so it will not happen by chance. When the government changes, we will see, but it has not happened here in the previous 20 years,” he said. .
