Predrag Kon: It’s not realistic to plan a New Year’s Eve


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon told RTS that it is unrealistic to expect the coronavirus to disappear by the New Year, adding that it is therefore unrealistic to plan a reception.

He stated that the measures for the next vacation will be discussed tomorrow at the Crisis Staff session.

“People want all this to go away and I understand it, but it is there and it is not realistic that it will disappear for the new year and it is not realistic to plan the reception and hope it will be without measures, the measures will most likely exist, are the same or even more rigorous, we’ll see tomorrow, “Kon said.

It’s obvious, he says, that the virus had great potential.

“We would not have this leveling. The measures have yielded some results, but it’s all speculation. Until we see the decline clear, we can only hope,” says Kon.

It points out that the measures that have been taken are on the border of the most rigorous, of which only the state of exception and the curfew are more rigorous.

Point out that tomorrow’s meeting won’t change anything. “The measures already exist, it all depends on the general behavior. There is a part to come from abroad. All the measures are in force, only the issue of rigorous control and sanctions must be respected. There is nothing else, Everything has been done in the direction in which it can be done now and should be implemented now. The wisest thing would be for everyone in their homes to celebrate the glory and prepare for both Catholic Christmas and the New Year. The virus runs our lives, not the staff of crisis. “Kon stressed.

The medical part of the Crisis Staff, he said, made a clear proposal that includes PCR tests and quarantine. “The strict control of the implementation of the measures is another matter. There are also extensions of measures, I am not going to talk about that, for how long and why.” it’s Kon.

If someone ignores everything that is happening and closes their eyes and organizes celebrations and festivities, they seriously violate the law. “This change to qualify it in another way, which is a crime, is not in the hands of the Crisis Staff,” says the epidemiologist.

Predrag Kon, a guest on the Belgrade Chronicle, also claimed that when the traffic plan in Belgrade was made, it was done to cut the density in transportation in half and increase the number of buses. He came out, he says, with the idea of ​​increasing the number of those who are in the rush hour and that this will lead to a dilution. He says the risk is certainly higher if the bus is full and people don’t have a distance of at least five feet.

In China, it is inconceivable for someone to come out of isolation

He points out that in China, where 12 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered today, the attitude is completely different and that there is no one there who opposes the measures that have been imposed.

“If you look at the quarantine in China, they go for 14 days to some like a container, where they have a bathroom, they bring them food. They have no contact. Regarding the isolation, it would be inconceivable that someone would think of leaving isolation there.” And they closed. whole blocks and used the army, “Kon said.

He says that the virus is very widespread and that there are 21 cases of children in the CBC “Dragiše Mišović”.

“I don’t think there are more than a hundred in the entire territory of Serbia. If you compare it with the numbers in adults, it is incomparably less common in children. But, in the mass of the virus, that number has also increased. Fortunately, we still do not have no difficult results, “said Kon.

He says he understands all the people who criticize. “I explain to myself that they cannot have the complete picture and know what I know and Dr. Tiodorović and others on the professional staff. It is indeed fear, and ultimately violence. Violence is unacceptable, whether verbal or destruction of property.

The criticisms coming from the Assembly must be answered: ‘You are wrong’. We are in such trouble that we have to pray and ask the population to follow us, not to be afraid of us. That’s it, “Kon concluded.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
