Predrag Kon – coronavirus – suspend contacts


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon stated that he expects the number of coronavirus infections in Serbia to reach 2,000 new cases per day in the coming days, of which 20 percent would have to be hospitalized.

He noted that the condition could be improved “if he realizes that we have to break contacts,” and that protective masks should be worn.

Kon said on Prva TV that it is not true that he should not worry because it is a “milder form of the epidemic” and that the situation is more favorable as “young people get sick”, but “make no mistake: one more clinical picture slight is just an impression. “

He said that “one should not be defeatist, but there is no reason for optimism.” He stated that it is estimated that the number of new infected people in Belgrade will reach 1,000 per day in the next few days, and “it is clear how quickly the filling of hospitals will be”, and depending on the situation in Europe, “we can see what he’s waiting for us”.

“Unfortunately, we are 10-15 days behind what is happening in Europe, and we are moving towards what is seen now in Europe. We do not have to go beyond Slovenia and Croatia to see what awaits us,” he said Kon.

Kon announced that the amendment to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases will clearly separate what is home isolation and what is isolation in collective accommodation.

This morning, he also called on Belgrade residents to avoid crowds and gatherings this week and next, and behave “as if a measure banning movements from 7 to 5 o’clock had been introduced. “.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
