
Photo: Printscreen, Private Archive
A video of the shameful theft of a box with humanitarian aid appeared on social media, which horrified Serbia.
Last Thursday, shortly after 6 pm, an unknown young man robbed in front of a restaurant in the King’s box to receive humanitarian aid for Anika Manić (2), who suffers from a serious and rare disease.
The citizens of Kraljevo have been collecting money for days to help little Anika go to the United States for emergency treatment and, according to unofficial information, there were around 30,000 dinars in the box.
A video posted on social media clearly shows the young man snatching the box and running away.
The fast food restaurant appeals on its Instagram page to citizens to contact the police if they find out about the unpleasant event.
– How does this news and this video make you feel? What’s on your mind? Anger? Bes? Tuga? Disgust? Surprise? Incorrect? Fear? Shame? Defeat? Despair? Regardless of what you think now and what you feel, know that a child has less chance of being cured. And who is to blame for that? We do not know. What we know is that we will do our best, it is written in the ad.
The humanitarian caterers sent a personal message to the young man who stole the box. – We hope, young friend, that you read this post and that one day you understand your mistakes and that you go through life on the right path, and not this wrong one. We believe that it is not easy for you either and that you are in some, you, unsolvable problem, but believe us that in this way these problems are not solved. We are addressing you with a young friend, because how else are we addressing you? A thief, a thief, a thief, a criminal, a criminal? We believe that you are not aware of your unconsciousness and that it is not your fault, but your distorted view of reality, it is written in the statement.

They also state that they feel the need to apologize.
– Excuse me, dear Anika parents. Sorry, we believe in humanity. Sorry dear human people who put money in that box. I’m sorry too, young friend, for making this possible for you and for believing in you. There is a little Anika. An Anika who wants to live. Anika who suffers from a very rare disease. Anika, who needs help … And we only have less than a month to raise more than a million euros for that. Every dinar raised is important. Because it’s about life, young friend. Tomorrow, you, young friend, will have a family, something for which you will live and for which you will fight, but again, not in this way, because it is certainly not the right way – they say in a statement and add that the new box for humanitarian aid collection helps restart.
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Anika frantically fights for her life
Anika suffers from spinal muscular atrophy and has been frantically fighting for her life in recent weeks. The time is approaching when you have to receive therapy that costs a staggering $ 2.4 million.

She was born a healthy and strong baby with strong reflexes and a grade of ten.
However, after the fifth week of life, the parents noticed on the medical examination that he did not react as strongly as before. After just two weeks, the adorable little girl received a diagnosis her parents had never heard of before: spinal muscular atrophy, or SMA type 1 for short.
Behind that name is a progressive and terminal neuromuscular disease with which 1 in 10,000 babies is born. Patients’ bodies lack the gene that makes proteins when used for food by motor neurons. The neurons that transmit impulses to the muscles then die because they have nothing to eat. And the muscles, since they receive no signal to move, rest and atrophy.
It starts with large muscle groups like the arms, legs, and neck, but after a while the muscles for swallowing, coughing, and breathing also atrophy.

delivery courier
Author: delivery courier