Potter on the health system struggle


Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar declared that the Serbian health system has not collapsed and is struggling.

“We will have a fight for the summer,” Loncar said on the morning show on Serbian Radio and Television.

Loncar said that in Serbia and, as he thinks, in Europe, most patients go in for treatment in hospitals.

“We start therapy on time. We have a problem when patients call late,” Loncar said.

He stated that it is not for New Year celebrations and pointed out that the best solution should be sought for the ski resorts.

“The measures give results, but it is not realistic to give them faster,” Loncar said.

Speaking about the newly opened Kovid hospital in Batajnica, she said that it was equipped, had X-ray machines, a surgery room and a maternity hospital.

“Royal vaccination” at the earliest since April

Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar said the “real vaccines” would be in April at the earliest.

He said that fewer vaccines would arrive in Serbia at the end or beginning of the year, that the vaccine would be in the spring, but that it would be sufficient in the fall, and that he hoped there would be a cure.

“Until the summer, we will have to fight for the vaccine and save as many lives as possible,” Loncar said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
