Potter on the crisis staff session


Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said that in today’s session of crisis staff there was no discussion about the introduction of the curfew, but that the recommendation was to cut contacts with citizens because that was the only solution.

“We are in a situation where the virus has entered the family and that is a big difference from the previous period. The only way to prevent the spread is to cut off contact. There is no other,” Loncar said.

Loncar explained that members of the Crisis Staff said after this morning’s session that they needed three to four hours to put the proposed measures on paper so that they could explain them, as well as discuss them with legal experts to see what was possible.

We do not want to create confusion among the citizens of Serbia, he noted, adding that the figures on the newly infected and dead today are a consequence of non-compliance with the measures.

“Regardless of the measures you take, the minimum is seven to 10 days to see your result,” Loncar said, noting that the curfew is not a magic solution, but something that “evens the ears” and that is why everyone should understand if necessary.

He announced that additional capacities will be opened in hospitals in Belgrade, where the situation is most critical, so this morning Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery are included at the Serbian Clinical Center, and in Niška Banja the hospital is becoming a kovid, as well as in Leskovac.

Responding to the question about including private hospitals in the covid system, Lončar stated that there was no one to call and expressed his desire to get involved without being known.

“It’s their business, everyone is welcome,” he said, noting that the State has not reached the stage of directly conditioning them, and that whoever wants to can join voluntarily.

Loncar said that Serbia has enough trivalent and quadrivalent seasonal flu vaccines, and announced that more than 200,000 would arrive in the next few days, so he recommended that citizens get vaccinated.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
