Potter on the Chinese H1 Serbian vaccine


Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar confirmed that Serbia will not participate in the clinical trial of the Chinese corona vaccine because the conditions of the Medicines Agency have not been met.

“I heard the news this morning that a test was interrupted and that is normal and gives the opportunity to fix the vaccine. Only when the conditions are created, when a vaccine meets all the standards, only then will we recommend it to our citizens,” Loncar told RTS.

He added that vaccination against seasonal flu will begin on October 1, which will help prevent the crossover of flu and corona viruses.

The minister said that medical workers are prepared for a new wave of coronavirus, that not everything is known about the virus itself, but that now everyone is trained to wear protective equipment.

Loncar announced that he will meet with the directors of non-covid hospitals, in order to take advantage of this truce for the expedited treatment of patients whose examinations were postponed due to the crown.

He added that priorities will be determined and rosters updated so that as many scans or MRIs as possible are done before the number of people suffering from kovid does not increase.

Meanwhile, the Health Minister recommended wearing a mask indoors, avoiding meetings and keeping a distance.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
