Possible tightening of measures in the National Assembly, one man died in Ljubovija, up to three in Čačak


SERBIA – It was announced yesterday in Serbia at 3:00 p.m. that 8,397 citizens were tested for the corona virus, of which 1,318 tested positive. Unfortunately, 11 people died. There are 119 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia. Number of new infected by cities: Belgrade 583 (44%), Novi Sad 139, Kragujevac 127, Nis 76, Kraljevo 66, Sabac 43, others less than 20.

photo: Covid19.rs

13.23 – 47 newly infected people in Serbian communities in Kosovo and Metohija. In the last 24 hours, 47 new cases of coronavirus were registered in Serbian areas in Kosovo and Metohija, out of 98 samples analyzed, crisis personnel in northern Mitrovica announced. Most of the new infected were registered in North Mitrovica, 22, followed by Zvečan (9), Zubin Potok (8), Leposavić (7), while in the municipalities south of Ibar, a new case was registered in the municipality from Lipljan, Kosovo reports online.

According to the statement, seven more patients were cured in the last 24 hours. There are currently 286 active cases of coronavirus in Serb-majority areas in Kosovo. At the Centro Hospitalario Clínico de Mitrovica Norte, 28 patients are being treated, while 258 people are in isolation. So far, a total of 1,356 people infected with COVID-19 have been registered in Serbian areas of Kosovo, and 6,400 people have been tested since the start of the epidemic. Since the start of the pandemic in Serb-majority areas in Kosovo, 41 people have died as a result of the coronavirus.

12.26 – In Zajecar, 18 new infected. In the last 24 hours, 39 PCR tests of citizens were processed in Zajecar, 18 of which confirmed the presence of the corona virus, it was published today on the city’s website. Of that number, six are women and 12 are men, ages 13 to 60.

Results from 51 other people tested are awaited. There are 25 patients in the Department of Infectious Diseases and two more patients in the Thorax Department, which yesterday became a covid hospital. One patient was transferred to the Nis Clinical Center. In the last 24 hours, two fellow citizens died as a result of that infection.

11:47 – Korona in Čačak: 3 died in the General Hospital in the last 24 hours. In the previous 24 hours, 12 patients were admitted to the Čačak hospital, in the Kovid ward, and yesterday, three people died as a result of the corona virus, according to the Task Force to monitor the spread of the coronavirus. Covid 19 virus in Čačak. The youngest patient to die was from Gornji Milanovac and was born in 1966, said General Hospital director Miroslav Sretenović, adding that the other two Čačak patients who died were born in 1954 and 1948, respectively. “They are relatively young, but they all had accompanying illnesses,” said Dr. Sretenović.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

10.35 – Room “Silla” prepared for people with covida. The temporary covid hospital in the “Silla” ward has been opened, it has entered the covid system and from today it will be able to receive the first patients with a moderate and mild clinical picture, said the hospital coordinator, Dr. Goran Mitrović . He told RTS that the temporary hospital has 190 places, including oxygen places, which was not the case in April. It states that patients will come from the entire area covered by KC “Niš”, and that triage of patients will be done at the Infectious Diseases Clinic. 20 doctors and about 40 nurses will work in the “Silla” room.

31.10 – Kolubara District: 64 new infected, all in Valjevo. According to the latest data from the Valjevo Public Health Institute, in that city another 64 people positive for the coronavirus have been registered, while in other municipalities of the Kolubara district – Mionica, Ljig, Lajkovac, Osecina in Uba, there are no new infections. 300 examinations were carried out in the Kovid ambulance and there are currently 70 people in the hospital. There are 663 people in home treatment and about 1,750 people in home self-isolation. The data indicate that patients include people of all ages and occupations, as well as employed, unemployed, and children.

photo: Youtube Printscreen

10.25 – Vučević: Possible fulfillment of the measures in the National Assembly. The mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, announced today the possibility of tightening measures to prevent the spread of the corona virus in the territory of that city.

“I believe that on Thursday we will have a new cross-section of the situation and the possibility of possibly adopting new measures. We do not want to ask for tougher measures, we are not running away from them, we are not afraid to adopt them, but it really is an extreme measure,” he said Vucevic to TV. First.

“But if we choose between health and the economy, we will choose health, there is no dilemma,” Vučević said about the possibility of introducing stricter measures. When asked about the meetings in the cafes, Vučević said that more than 100 misdemeanors had been filed and that a possible increase in the fine was announced. “The question is, if we shorten the working hours of the catering facilities, what will we do with the private parties, what will we do when people rent a house in Fruška gora for parties,” he says.

09.46 – 12 employees of the Leskovac kindergarten were infected with the crown. The coronavirus was confirmed in 12 employees of the preschool institution “Vukica Mitrović” in Leskovac, said the epidemiologist of the Institute of Public Health of that city, Zorana Kulić. “We did a CP test for six other educators for preventive reasons, in order to possibly exclude an asymptomatic pregnancy due to children and other colleagues in kindergarten,” Kulic told RTS.

photo: Shutterstock

He states that there are no patients among the children attending kindergartens in Leskovac for now. “We do not have any sick children at the moment, only the employees of the preschool institution ‘Vukica Mitrović’,” says Kulić and asks parents to monitor their children’s condition and call a doctor when the first symptoms appear.

Two newly infected people in the Jablanica district

In the last 24 hours, two new cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in the territory of the Jablanica district. The Leskovac Public Health Institute states that in the last 24 hours 25 results came from the laboratory of the Public Health Institute in Nis, of which 19 for the city of Leskovac. As specified, two results are positive, and these are people from the Leskovac territory. Currently, 108 results are expected from the “Vatreno oko” laboratory in Nis for the people who were sampled at the Leskovac Public Health Institute, Leskovac General Hospital and the Jablanica district health centers in the previous days.

10.02 – Director of KBC Zemun: I am afraid that in less than a day and a half we will fill all the capacities. Director of the Zemun Clinical Hospital Center, prof. Dr. Dragoš Stojanović tells RTS that the health institution has re-entered the kovid regimen and that they received 225 patients for treatment in a day and a half. I’m afraid we will fill all capacities in less than a day and a half, says Stojanović. Dragos Stojanovic stated that they had 125 receptions the night before.

09.44 – At Uzice hospital, 10 patients on a respirator. At the Uzice General Hospital, 16 positive and suspected covid-19 patients were hospitalized, 13 are in intensive care, 10 of whom are connected to a ventilator, said the PR of the Uzice Health Center, Danijela Vasiljevic. During yesterday, more patients were hospitalized in Užice hospital. Vasiljevic claimed that 102 patients were housed at the kovid temporary hospital in Krcagovo, one less than yesterday.


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