“POSSIBLE RESTRICTIONS IN BELGRADE” Dr. Kon states that, for now, POLICE HOUR is not on the agenda, but …


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon told B92 that for now, the curfew option is not on the agenda.

As he said, hospitals are not that full yet, so this measure would be introduced.

– In Belgrade, we have an increase from day to day, and not little, but in the rest of Serbia, except in Kragujevac, it is not like that. Perhaps there will be certain restrictions for Belgrade first – said Dr. Kon.

As he says, you have to think about what the measures bring, who will have problems, but regardless of economic reasons, there are borders that should not be crossed.

– We have more than 120 hospitalized in one day, if we continue like this, it will be a serious problem – Kon said.

He noted that the introduction of the curfew would be a defeat.

– The curfew is a defeat, which means that we are not aware that we can stop the virus on our own. Defeat in the sense that we could not show solidarity with the virus, that we did not introduce something that everyone respects, that individuals destroy the collective now, and many times very consciously – said the epidemiologist and member of the crisis staff.

He added that he advocates the introduction of the use of masks in pedestrian areas, due to the large number of people in these places.

He adds that the law on the epidemic must be passed and that later many things will be better defined and, therefore, better implemented.

VIDEO: How many coronaviruses are destroying our lungs
