POSSIBLE MEASURES OF RIGOR AND AGAIN QUARANTINE: Dr. Tiodorović explained what will change from Friday in Serbia


– We are in a situation that we cannot say is favorable, because everything can change overnight. The situation in Montenegro is worrying, it is in the third highest place in terms of infection risk – Tiodorović told RTS adding that most of our citizens still decided, despite the recommendations, to spend their holidays in “risky” countries – Montenegro, Croatia, Albania. ..

He explained what this new measure would be like.

– We know what is needed, Trampoline is in charge of giving instructions, health centers and the ambulance will receive clear instructions. We will send people who come from the infected areas to the ambulance and certain institutions – says the epidemiologist, adding that it is a large number of our fellow citizens.

– It is not a small number of people, between 50 and 70 thousand only stayed in Montenegro, so we can expect to have a little congestion, but the institutes are willing to accept the obligations. As before, there is a red zone for those with problems and a yellow zone for those who were in a certain place of risk where there are a greater number of patients and who have no problems.

– Everyone will receive instructions and an appeal to inform within 24 hours where they are and promise that they will report to Kovid’s ambulance and where the necessary procedure will be carried out. If we look at all the countries our people lived in, there will be more than 100,000 people. But if there is conscience… We put our hopes in personal responsibility and awareness of the situation. If there is a deterioration in those countries, we will opt for more pronounced measures with the application of adequate health supervision, which includes quarantine, concludes Tiodorović.

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