POSSIBLE CLOSURE OF THE KINDERGARTEN? Slavko Gak: We are waiting for the decision of the crisis staff, we are ready for any new measures.


– During November, when the corona virus unfortunately broke out in Serbia, the presence of the virus was confirmed in 40 children, just over 200 employees and about 1,000 parents in kindergartens in Belgrade. That is the pressure that we still manage to resist, so I think the closure will not be necessary yet – Gak said for Tanjug.

He recalled that since the beginning of the epidemic, preschool institutions have implemented all the measures prescribed by the Crisis Staff.

– Then we will be ready for any new measure if it is tomorrow – Gak said and stressed that Belgrade kindergartens have shown how important it is to adhere strictly to the measures because only strict adherence to the rules prevented further spread of the infection where Cases of infestation have been confirmed.

The city secretary stated that he expects a further decrease in the arrival of children.

– I hope that only the children of parents who have no other choice come to kindergartens, and that will certainly help that in the future, as in Belgrade so far, no case gets out of control – Gak said.

He noted that with the great effort of the employees and everyone in the system, it is important that the kindergartens work, but of course safety is the most important.

“Crisis personnel have guided us through the epidemic so far, so there is no reason to doubt their decisions,” Gak concluded.

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