PORFIRIJE: The orchestrated campaign against Serbia and Vučić returns the region to a state of tension


The Metropolitan states that in the author’s text for Tanjug, in which he regrets that the preservation of peace in the post-Yugoslav states and mutual cooperation, specifically with Serbia, does not suit the “professional creators of the conflict”, and calls the attention on the reaction of an Orthodox arch-pastor in Croatia and Slovenia. which, by the nature of things, also participates in the problems of survival and spiritual prosperity of the Serbian people in the territories of these states.

The text of the author of Metropolitan Porphyry reads in its entirety:

– I see the mission of the Church of Christ to build peace and trust between people and nations as my personal task and an essential part of the responsible service that I perform, to the best of my modest powers. Therefore, I feel the need and the obligation to point out to all those living in peace in our region, especially in Croatia, Serbia, the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, certain disturbing phenomena that require a joint examination in the light of well-being. of all, especially the young and future generations. .

That is, through internet portals and other public media, both in the aforementioned countries and outside of them, personalities are advertised who, without taking into account the efforts made by the state authorities of the Republic of Serbia for the common good and the progress of interpersonal relationships in the region, carry out analyzes, proposals and conclusions. who, instead of acknowledging, acknowledging, assisting, and encouraging well-intentioned efforts, do the opposite. To that end, the role of the program is obviously played by Sonja Biserko’s text, which was published on the Deutsche Welle (DW) portal on December 13 under the title “RS as a war booty to which Serbia does not surrender”. In it, the method of ignoring and falsifying the political intentions and results of the Serbian state leadership consciously promotes the impression of polarized relations in the region, which then leads through a chain media harangue to make real progress lacking. sense in the resolution, until recently, of the unbreakable Gordian knots of regional political life.

So who is interested in disturbing the peace in the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, established by international treaties after twenty-five years, and starting a new war? And to what, that is, to whom is the malicious and absurd interpretation according to which the Republika Srpska is the cause of the instability of the region? Let us remember the wise words of the blessed Patriarch Irinej, who at the same time declares and warns: “No one should be bothered by the Republika Srpska. Nobody should care that the peoples of the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina live in peace today. It seems to bother someone after all. We don’t need to be someone when it’s easy to start from a distance with a remote control! “

In light of the foregoing, it should not be explained that I react to this phenomenon primarily as an Orthodox archpress in Croatia and Slovenia, who by the nature of things, among other things, participates in issues of survival and spiritual prosperity of the Serbian people in these countries. The danger that the mass media will create a “black and white world” in the context of the general feeling of complexity and uncertainty, prophetically expressed in the late Yugoslav era by the Zagreb group “Dirty Theater”, necessarily includes the danger of stigmatize Serbia in the public sphere and thus discredit its role. in communication and association with precisely those political entities in which the Serbian minority, thanks to the constructive efforts of the homeland and the good dialogic circumstances, has made some progress. The reverse is true, of course, when it comes to other nations and minorities.

Therefore, I deeply regret that preserving peace in our area and therefore fostering cooperation between the post-Yugoslav states and, in this case, with Serbia, especially to improve the position of all minority communities, Serbs, Croats and others, it does not suit “professional conflict creators” of different beliefs and profiles. . In that regard, I fear that this orchestrated campaign against the Republic of Serbia, its President and its Government, and almost the entire Serbian people, may jeopardize visible progress in establishing mutual understanding and thus bring the region back to a state of political tension.

It is as if activists deliberately ignore the efforts that, for example, here in Croatia, the state authorities and the community of the Serbian people carry out for the common good and progress to establish mutual trust and progress, and the same results. achieved through cooperation and cooperation. lives there. These efforts, initiated to solve the problems of minority communities, have a beneficial effect in establishing trust between the two countries, but also contribute to peace, not only between Serbs and Croats, but also between our Muslim brothers and all those who live here.

Unfortunately, as always, the “professional conflict creators” insist on polarizations, divisions, conflicts, always discrediting one side, so that anyone who has the desire to build bridges and overcome possible misunderstandings with that side, at least in advance, discouraged. In your speech today, that side is Serbia and its political leaders, and tomorrow, if necessary, any government, state or president around us can be in the same matrix. In any case, the script is clear, the producer is the same, the roles are divided, the actors are well known to all, the direction is monotonous, but the play is effective for the uninitiated, and especially malicious – all are losers. , only “professional conflict creators” are winners. .

With all this in mind, and believing that the destructive efforts exposed will not have a decisive impact on our interpersonal and inter-ethnic relationships, I remain with my God-loving community in the Diocese of Zagreb-Ljubljana and all people of good will of Christ the Child. whose birth we await. that He, as the God of peace, preserves peace for all. – declared the Metropolitan of Porfirio.

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