“POPULARITY TOOKS FREEDOM” Stars of the “Game of Fate” series about parents, diaper changes, emotional life and wishes


The actors in the series hate each other in the soap opera, while in private life they have become inseparable friends, and admit that when they find themselves in trouble, they call each other for advice.

A game of destiny

Photo: A. Krstović / RAS Serbia

A game of destiny

The series “Game of Fate” broke the viewership record this year. The warm family story attracted attention with its theme and approached an ordinary person with all the problems, but also the beauties of life, that each of us experiences. Love, fights, intrigues, intrigues were the themes that viewers had the opportunity to see in this telenovela. Luka Raco, Olja Lević, Matea Milosavljević, Stevan Piale managed to evoke everything their generation is going through on the road to success. Despite the coronary virus pandemic, 2020 brought them good times in the private and business sphere, especially for members of the stronger sex. Stevan had a daughter, Rosa, and Luka found the love of his life, Vanja. The girls are hiding their privacy for now, because as they point out, when something happens in that field, they will be very happy to share it with their readers.

Stevan Piale: popularity has taken my freedom

Despite the pandemic, 2020 has brought you beautiful things in the private and business sphere. Can you say this is your year?

– I can say that this is Rosa’s year, of course, and therefore mine, and I’m sure that in addition to all the mess with the crown, it will remain in my fond memory.

Do people come up to you on the street and what do they ask you?

– Not many people approach me in Belgrade. I often forget that I am a public figure. Outside of Belgrade there is another story. Many people come, take photos and in the end we apologize. People ask mostly when will I leave Sofia and who will I end up with.

Has popularity changed you? And what has taken away your popularity?

– The environment says no. But, I don’t see people well because of the whole situation, so we will wait for all this to happen with the crown for the final judgment. Popularity in and of itself is neither good nor bad, it’s just a matter of how you take advantage of it. It gave me the opportunity to help people and promote some good things. Like it or not, there is a great focus on you that comes with great responsibility. He is expected to be a role model and a good example for young people, and that is quite a heavy burden. So, well, it took my freedom away somehow.

Have you mastered diaper changing?

– I have mastered everything and nothing is difficult for me.

Who is better suited to you in character, Matea Milosavljevic or Olja Levic?

– They are both wonderful colleagues and good people. In the last few months, I’ve been filming a lot more with Mateo, so we’ve dated more, but overall I have a great relationship with both of them.

How is the atmosphere on set? Did they become friends and family?

– From the beginning, we emphasize that the key to the success of the series is in the environment. Even today, nothing has changed. We enjoy filming and often after filming.

What do you expect from 2021?

– I hope she is better and, above all, healthier than the one who is fleeing, and I don’t think it will be difficult for her. As for me, I try to make each one more beautiful, but he will have to do everything possible to overcome the beautiful things that happened this year. I hope, to begin with, rest and then work on new projects.

A game of destiny

Photo: A. Krstović / RAS Serbia

A game of destiny

Ola Lević: Parents have a full heart when they look at me

How will you remember 2020?

– By crown, but also by work. The series was a great success. That is why it is a great pleasure and honor for me to be part of this team and that the series has been so successful and that we can enter the homes of most people in Serbia. The series brought me a lot.

How much did it distract you in a private sense?

– We recorded for 12 hours. We get home, learn the lyrics, and prepare for the next day of recording. When we shoot, I rarely have time for anything else. We use the days on which we are free to fulfill obligations that do not arrive during the week. It certainly bothered me in terms of normal movement, like everything.

Who did you become friends with from the series?

– With everyone. I go out more often with the younger team. In private we are all in a great relationship and I can call anytime if I need anything. Everyone can count on everyone.

People on the street will probably ask you about Mile and Sofia’s relationship in private life.

– We are friends. And it’s strange for everyone when they see us together. Here, as Sofia, she plays a villain, so everyone thinks she is like that, but in fact, in her private life, she is a great person. The two of us complement each other perfectly. We are a great team.

Mila is in love in the series, and in her private life?

– When I’m about to get married, I’ll announce my boyfriend. Now I avoid talking about it.

How does your family react to your success?

– They are so proud. In Kruševac, where I am from, people take photos with my parents because I am their daughter. They are watching the series, so they are happy. My parents have a full heart.

What do you want in 2021?

– I want a lot of health, positive energy, inspiration and enthusiasm in a positive way.

A game of destiny

Photo: A. Krstović / RAS Serbia

A game of destiny

Luka Raco: This 2020 brought me love

How will you remember 2020?

– Well, we all honestly know how we’ll remember her – for the crown. However, I would not like that to be the main thing for what we will remember 2020. However, I would like to highlight some of the events of my life, transitions and beautiful events in the family circle, but also in the plane of love. That is what I will do my best to remember this year. On the other hand, she was as active in the business field as she could under these conditions. I will remain optimistic and want to remember 2020.

Regardless, 2020 brought you a beautiful and private plan. You found a girlfriend and the series was a huge success.

– Yes, those are two wonderful things that have happened. It will stay that way, that is. to continue in 2021. So, in the same way.

Which of the colleagues in the series did you become very good friends with?

– With everyone. Especially with the cast. We all became friends. But if I had to single out someone, it would be Stevan Piale. He became my best friend on set.

Is there a line that connects you to Alex?

– To have. Alexa is an idealized guy. So wrote Zarko. We have traits in common, and I try, I try to imitate some of his character traits through my private life.

What do you want from 2021?

– Solve all this situation, return the world and life to normal and make 2021 as successful as possible for everyone in the private and business plan. To achieve what everyone wants and start as we have always wanted.

Matea Milosavljevic: I want a life without masks

How much good did it bring you in 2020 and what did it take away from you?

– It seems to me that we will all remember the year 2020 well, and I will too. She brought me wonderful things, a successful series, wonderful people, various ideas. In a way, it took away everything that was keeping us from practicing for safety reasons, like hugs, bigger friendships, and that physical intimacy, but it also reminded us of the importance of those little things, and indeed big and important things.

How much do you like popularity?

– The smiles on the faces of passersby when we meet are always pleasant.

Do people have an opinion when they meet you that you are evil in your private life and how do you react then?

– All those opinions, even if they exist, I quickly deny them with a pleasant conversation and a sincere smile.

Can you say this is your winning year?

– It is indisputable that this year was very successful for the series “Game of Destiny”, from the rating perspective, but it would omit that competition in the evaluation of the series itself and would undoubtedly stand out this year as the winner for all the projects that managed to fulfill new conditions and many others. Quality series that saw the light this year.

They became good friends, relatives. When can you always call when you need something?

– This project really brought me wonderful people, and I think everyone would be there if I invited them.

What are your wishes for 2021?

– Life without masks. I will selfishly keep myself to others.

VIDEO Stevan Piale advises Ammar Mesic: become a dad as soon as possible
