Popular Party: Citizens cannot register vehicles due to conflict in the SNS – Society


The Vice President of the Executive Board of the People’s Party, Nikola Lakić, stated today that the People’s Party calls on the Minister of Transport Tomislav Momirović to urgently propose the director of the Road Safety Agency to the Government of Serbia because citizens cannot register their vehicles from according to the law.

Popular Party: citizens cannot register vehicles due to a conflict in the SNS 1Photo: Beta / Milan Timotic

“The agency has no director due to the clan conflict within the SNS, which are more important to Momirović and the Serbian government than the work that citizens pay them for.” “Momirović is primarily responsible for creating this problem, and the citizens are now paying the price for their praise and reluctance towards Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić,” Lakić said.

He specified that many citizens, who need a vehicle test certificate, have not been able to register their vehicles for 15 days because there is no possibility of processing for that without the director of the Agency.

Popular Party: citizens cannot register vehicles due to a conflict on SNS 2

“It is not the first time that the government, with its incapacity, intentionally creates problems for the citizenry, and similar situations are repeated several times a year. The government is not only not interested in solving the problems, it is only ready to create them further, “Lakić said, according to the People’s Party press service.

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