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It is celebrated by Catholics and Orthodox, each according to their own calendar, such as Saint George’s Day. Among the Serbs, it acquired some other characteristics, mixing with the pre-Christian cults of the Balkans, so that the feast of St. George is not celebrated as much with the Serbs as in other Christian countries.
St. George’s Day is a holiday with many customs related to it and magical actions for protection, health and fertility, which are carried out that day. The customs and beliefs of the Serbian people related to St. George’s day certainly existed among the people even before they accepted Christianity.
St. George’s Day is considered the border between winter and summer, a holiday related to the health of the home, the marriage and marriage of the young people of the home, the fertility of livestock and good crops.
It was believed that if St. George’s Day was clear, it would be a fruitful year, and if this holidays and the next dayIt was raining that the summer would be dry. It is said in Serbia that the more weeks before St. George’s Day, the more grain there will be that year.

Saint George is represented in the icons of a horse, in a ducal suit, from which he pierces a terrible dragon with a spear. A little further away from him is a woman in a knight’s outfit. The dragon in the icon represents a polytheistic force that “devoured” many innocent Christians.
It is believed that Saint George defeated her and gave “paganism” a fatal blow with her martyrdom. Saint George’s victory over the dragon probably means the end of the persecution of Christians, ten years after his death, and the proclamation of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire by the Emperor Constantine.
The woman in the icon is perhaps Saint Alexandra herself, a woman who traditionally identifies with Prisco, the wife of Emperor Diocletian, and is believed to symbolically represent the young Christian church.

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Author: Delivery courier