POPOVIC AFTER ELECTIONS IN MONTENEGRO: Won the will to defend religion and identity


As he said, Popović especially congratulated his friends from the “For the Future of Montenegro” coalition for the great electoral result and the victories in a large number of Montenegrin cities.

He says that he has won the will to defend religion and identity, but also to conquer democracy and build the future of a developed, legally and socially responsible state on its foundations.

– The divisions that the Djukanovic regime created over the years to survive in its criminal rule are despised. The desire for a new national unity and the defense of the saints smashed all the lies and fears in Montenegro yesterday. For all honorable and freedom-loving citizens of our fraternal state, with the faith and unwavering determination of its citizens, the dawn of September is finally dawning, Popović said in a written statement.

He noted that after years of persecution and humiliation and the efforts of the Milo Djukanovic regime to destroy the identity of their own state by attacking the Serbian people and the Serbian Orthodox Church, the people woke up and decided to defend their faith, heritage and future.

– I deeply believe that the new Government of Montenegro will renew and strengthen relations and cooperation with Serbia and realize all the possibilities of such cooperation, which the Djukanovic regime, due to its hatred towards Serbia and the Serbian people, has hindered for years, unnaturally building an alliance with all other nations. that he shared the same anti-Serbian hatred with him – Popović said.

He believes that the historical significance of these elections, but also the resistance to the destruction of the Church and the faith by the awakening of the Serbian people, will remain written forever and will be eternally inspiring.

– There is no force greater than the will of the people to protect their faith and their sanctuaries. Yesterday, the outgoing autocratic regime of Milo Đukanović found out about this in the most democratic way – Popović concluded.

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