“POOR WORM” He crashed a gold “Porsche”, but that’s not the end of his arrogance. He has now sent his companions a HUMILIATING MESSAGE that will only enrage them


The golden “Porsche Panamera”, which crashed in Belgrade, is driven by a guy named Nikola Keljanović, who often brags about expensive cars and money on Instagram, and is followed by more than 130,000 people on this network. This time, he commented on the numerous negative comments he received, and without forgiveness said that he would be arrogant.

Reluctant advice, postPhoto: nerad_tips / Instagram / Instagram

Reluctant advice, post

– I will not even feel the damage of 7,000 – 8,000 euros, and you should try to take the car for at least half of that money. I’m glad the comments don’t affect me at all, but you have to put your feet up a bit – he said.

He did not stop there, but called “poor worms” those who commented to him.

Reluctant advice, postPhoto: nerad_tips / Instagram / Instagram

Reluctant advice, post

– That’s why you are where you are. Poor worms who can’t earn a 50-good dinar. I’ll be even more arrogant on Instagram, among other things, he wrote with a photo of a broken gold “Porsche”.

This young and obviously very arrogant records all his outbursts on social networks, promoting pride, crucifixion, vices and generally negative values ​​to thousands of his companions, mostly minors.

After the accident, he ironically said “Dad is going to kill me”, and then filmed his broken “Porsche” with the comment “It will be better.”
