Pollution in Belgrade: now we see what we breathe


The city of Belgrade has reduced the amount earmarked for environmental protection with the budget for 2021, and while yesterday the capital of Serbia was the twelfth most polluted city in the world, it is currently ranked 29th on the list of the renowned site. World Airvisual. Almost every night this week, Belgrade is shrouded in fog. However, this is not a real fog, but a pollution that is very visible.

Belgrade 6 pm The thick fog has already descended, and the Air visual portal warns that the air in the Serbian capital is unhealthy with a pollution index of 164. If you turn on the ice light and stand next to the beam, you will see what you are breathing. The particles are swarming. Dr. Tatjana Radosavljević explains what we see.

“It is the effect of the so-called PM 2.5 and PM 10 that reach the smallest parts of the lungs, damage them, damage the heart, damage the brain. Therefore, they can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is called silent death and leads to the development of lung cancer, diseases, myocardial infarction, strokes and even the development of even Alzheimer’s disease ”, he warns.

The number 1 source of pollution is the lignite thermal power plants: Nikola Tesla A and B in Obrenovac, first, and then Kostolac. Serbia annually emits around 300 thousand tons of sulfur dioxide.

“I would like to point out two most dangerous diseases related to pollution. It is acute irresponsibility and pandemic corruption. And they are the main polluters. Five years after the start of the implementation of the air quality plan, the air of the third category still is in Belgrade – unacceptably little to reduce that pollution, ”says Mirko Popović.

Even indoors, Belgrade residents with modern air purifiers may notice that the device works continuously and that the level of polluting particles is usually above 50. By protesting in a minute against 12 initiatives, the Assembly of Free Serbia calls for a massive environmental uprising of Serbian citizens.

“The enrichment of interest groups and individuals at the expense of the use of natural resources at the expense of the health of Serbian citizens must be stopped. They have taken it upon themselves to pollute our air, sell our water and alienate our country,” said Ljiljana Tomovic of the Assembly of Free Serbia.

At the same time, the city of Belgrade reduced the budget for anti-pollution measures by 45 million dinars. The amount of the year at the end has also been reduced.

“You are right, but for a very real reason. The purchase was not made, it was not made and we had to reduce what was not spent because in 2020 we ran out of personal income tax income and we had to pay social – kindergartens, to pay all the other benefits because you know that the The state exempted companies from 4 months of payroll taxes, ”says Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić.

The deputy mayor also announces incentives for chimney sweeps, because dirty chimneys contribute terribly to pollution, and the abolition of the participation fee for connection to district heating is being considered. However, this is all just advertised and considered, not adopted. Until then…
