Politika Online – Zoran Drobnjak can no longer be Acting President by law. director


The state audit institution has requested the appointment of a new director of the public company “Roads of Serbia”, which means that the current interim director Zoran Drobnjak should be replaced or re-elected to this position, but as director general. The reason for this change, as recommended by the SAI, is the fact that Drobnjak has been running this company for six years as interim director, while the law allows it for a maximum of one year.

The auditors directed the Supervisory Board of “Roads of Serbia” to initiate the appointment of company directors in accordance with the Public Companies Law. Zoran Drobnjak was first elected director of this public company in 2007, when Velimir Ilić was the head of the corresponding ministry.

Meanwhile, the ministers changed, but he survived. Milutin Mrkonjic, the former minister, failed to remove him from the head of “Serbian Roads”, and Zorana Mihailovic, former Transport Minister, even wanted to reward him when he tried to annex “Serbian Corridors”.

What is the secret of its survival? It is not known. But it is known that he has been running this company as acting director since 2013. The director’s contest was announced that year and has not ended. It was repeated once more in 2017, when tenders were announced for a dozen public companies, but even then there was no epilogue. This summer, during its biannual review of the “guardhouse” arrangement, the International Monetary Fund reiterated the recommendation it insists on in every report: complete the startup and announce vacancies for directors of public companies.

The new government has been tasked with doing it before the end of the year. Will the auditors succeed in replacing the state recorder? re. Zoran Dronjak, remains to be seen. But it should be noted that the recommendations of the State Audit Institution are binding.

In the report on the business of “Roads of Serbia”, in addition to the recommendation for the appointment of a new director, there are hundreds of recommendations to eliminate irregularities in business. It mainly refers to public procurement. In the last two years, this company acquired goods, services and works for an amount of 51.38 billion dinars without a tender, without there being any reason for exemption from the application of the Public Procurement Law.

The auditors affirm that the company did not document that it determined the estimated value of public purchases in accordance with the Public Procurement Law, for 51 purchases for an amount of 7.18 billion dinars.

“Roads of Serbia” initiated 30 public procurement procedures with an estimated value of around 6 billion dinars, without the conditions for initiating the procedure being met, because the acquisitions were not foreseen in the annual plan. Likewise, this company did not carry out the procedures and activities for the award of contracts in accordance with the Public Procurement Law in 22 public contracts with an estimated value of 4,630 million dinars.

The expert evaluation report of tenders in three public tenders with an estimated value of 3.3 billion dinars does not list subcontractors, which does not comply with the Public Procurement Law, according to the latest report from the State Audit Institution.

Then, “Putevi Srbije” did not reject the offer of the bidder who did not prove that he met the additional conditions and the tender from which it is not possible to determine the actual content of the tender, in five public tenders with an estimated value of 391 , 5 million dinars. The company chaired by Drobnjak did not determine that the price offered for 470.8 million dinars, according to which it awarded the contract to the bidder, is not higher than the comparable market price in a public works contract estimated at 350 million dinars, which that does not comply with the Law on public procurement.

The auditors also draw attention to the fact that “Roads of Serbia” did not submit a report to the Public Procurement Administration and the State Audit Institution after the decision to award the contract to the bidder whose offer contains a higher bid price. to the estimated value of public procurement for two jobs estimated at 379 million dinars and agreed value of 510, 5 million dinars.

It is interesting that “Roads of Serbia” did not request in the specifications of a public procurement the delivery of guarantees for the fulfillment of contractual obligations, which they were forced to request considering the estimated value of the public procurement of 850 million dinars .

– The company did not obtain a bank guarantee from the contractor for the good performance of a public procurement with an estimated value of 1,300 million dinars according to the specifications and the contract, which does not correspond to the specifications and the works contract signed with the supplier – affirms the State Supervisory Body.

The auditor leaves a deadline for “Putevi Srbije” to submit a report on the removal and proof that he acted in accordance with his recommendations within 90 days.

While commenting on the objections and whether they will listen to the recommendations of the auditor of “Roads of Serbia”, “Politika” did not receive a response yesterday.
