Politika Online – Why did Lavrov choose Belgrade over Zagreb?


The visit of the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, to our country, scheduled for October 28 and 29, is a sign that relations between Serbia and Russia have not been altered, “Politika” interlocutors agree.

For months, a part of the public has been arguing about the noise on the Moscow-Belgrade route, especially after the signing of the agreement in Washington and the tweet from the spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zaharova, who presented the meeting between Aleksandar Vučić and Donald Trump.

Although Zaharova apologized for the inappropriate tweet and explained that her message was not sent to Serbia, new speculation followed about the alleged cancellation of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belgrade, which, incidentally, was not even scheduled. Lavrov’s arrival on a two-day visit to Belgrade definitely puts an end to all doubts, if any.

The interlocutors of “Politika” agree that relations between Serbia and Russia are traditionally strong, as evidenced by recent events. Not only was the opening of a representative office of the Russian Defense Ministry announced within the Serbian Ministry of Defense, but Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov canceled his visit to Zagreb as part of his Balkan tour and extended his stay in Belgrade. Marija Zaharova confirmed yesterday that Lavrov will visit Serbia and the Republika Srpska.

“A meeting with the president of Serbia is scheduled, as well as attendance at the ceremony on the occasion of the completion of the interior of the Temple of Saint Sava and the lighting of the ‘eternal flame’ in the Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade,” he announced Zaharova.

The Serbian Ambassador to Russia, Miroslav Lazanski, also declared yesterday for Pink TV that it is good that Lavrov is coming to Belgrade. He recalled that this is Lavrov’s second visit to our country this year. This shows, as he emphasized, that relations between Serbia and Russia are “excellent and have continuity and relationship.” On the other hand, the corresponding SANU member and long-term ambassador to Russia, Dr. Slavenko Terzic, estimates that Lavrov’s visit to Serbia and the Balkans testifies that Russia has its interests in this region and is not ready to withdraw.

Diplomat Zivadin Jovanovic believes that this is an important visit since Russia is one of the countries most affected by the corona virus epidemic. “Minister Lavrov’s visit in conditions where diplomatic activity is weakening is extremely important and is a sign that Serbia and Russia are holding a regular dialogue at the strategic level also under these conditions.”

It gives impetus to the strengthening of the traditional friendly relations between our two countries, “Jovanovic told” Politika. “This experienced diplomat says he is sure that Russia followed with special attention the talks of the Belgrade and Pristina delegations in Washington and analyzed all the papers signed there.

“Russia certainly does not like articles that talk about the diversification of cooperation in the field of energy. The so-called Washington agreement is unusual in many ways, because there Serbia and the United States agreed what kind of relationship Serbia should have with third countries. This indicates certain limitations in the independence of our foreign policy. We can say that we are independent, but that will not change the reality, “says Jovanović, adding that” the Washington papers “will be the subject of analysis in many countries.

He says he realized that we have to “justify ourselves to the West” every time we start negotiations with the Russians. “Expanding cooperation with Russia is not Russophilia at all, but an urgent need for Serbia and its security policy.” Our relations with Russia and China are strategic, and we do not have them in our relations with the United States, the EU and NATO, “added Jovanovic.

Regarding the opening of the Russian representative office in the Defense Ministry, Jovanovic recalls that the official agreement has not been signed and the details have not been announced. Remember that humanitarians at the Serbian-Russian Humanitarian Center near Nis did not receive diplomatic immunity and that there were many attempts to discredit the work of these people.

“Under pressure from the United States, several Russian citizens who worked at the center did not receive the immunity enjoyed by thousands of NATO soldiers,” says our interlocutor. He is not surprised that Vladimir Putin does not visit Serbia, as agreed, because, as he recalls, in most countries in crisis, heads of state are obliged to be available 24 hours a day.

A few days ago, President Aleksandar Vučić spoke about it, stating that Putin is eager to come to Serbia and is looking forward to it, but that this is not the time as the Russians have 15,000 patients with the crown and 300 deaths a day. The director of the Center for Social Stability, Ognjen Karanovic, is sure that there should be no noise in relations between Serbia and Russia.

It emphasizes that our relationships are traditionally good. “Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belgrade was never scheduled. Due to the great health challenges we face, it is quite understandable that it has been abandoned. Russia is our protector and this is demonstrated by the fact that Lavrov canceled his visit to Zagreb to extend his stay in Belgrade, “says Karanović.

He believes that Russia, like the European Union, did not look too fondly on the achievement of the Washington agreement and the strengthening of ties between Belgrade and Washington, but affirms that this cannot disturb our geostrategic relations.

“If Russia has an interest in developing relations with Serbia, that agreement cannot interrupt them. Russia has realized that the political situation in Serbia has changed, there is no fear that we are members of NATO, which means a lot to them. We are on the road to the EU, but we maintain close and friendly relations with all global players, ”says Karanović, recalling that Serbia has done nothing to the detriment of Russia.

“We did not impose sanctions on them in 2014, and in the meantime, our state leadership had many meetings with Putin and other officials,” Karanović recalls, adding that our relations are close and uninterrupted.

Terzic: Moscow has always supported the principle “Balkans to Balkan nations”

Former Serbian ambassador to Russia, Slavenko Terzic, tells “Politika” that Russia, like all great powers, has its priorities and that the Balkans may not be at the top of those priorities, but that the roots of the Russian presence here they are deep and last centuries.

“It is often forgotten that Russia, even while pursuing its geopolitical interests, was instrumental in the emancipation of the Balkans and was always behind the principle of ‘the Balkans for the Balkan peoples.’ “Russia shows that it is interested in the stability of the Balkans,” Terzic said.

He adds that there is no “Russian danger.” It is an old myth, as he claims, that hides its own aggressive intentions.

“Sergei Lavrov is the leading name in world diplomacy and is at the forefront of a great diplomatic school. Russia’s support for Serbia at the international level is extremely important. It is a support of strategic importance that goes beyond the ‘combinations ‘current’, is the position of our interlocutor.

Dodik: Meet and Lunch in East Sarajevo

On the occasion of the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, affirmed yesterday that the Republika Srpska has excellent relations with Russia, regardless of all the pressures, which are not small.

Dodik told reporters in Shipovo that the allegations of alleged Russian interference in local internal affairs were incorrect and that those who made such accusations were the ones who interfered the most.

He emphasized, as Tanjug reports, that it is very important that Lavrov come to the Republika Srpska, adding that the official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina is only a formal cover.

He noted that the meeting of the Srpska leadership with Lavrov will be organized in the east, that is, the Serbian Sarajevo. Dodik said a joint lunch was planned, after which they would go to Belgrade together.
