Politika Online – West sees the strengthening of Serbia as a provocation


The sponsors and lobbies of the so-called Kosovo are reappearing in an increasingly offensive way. Instead of a prosperous and independent factor, as Daniel Server sees the southern province of Serbia, Kosovo has become a black hole of Europe from which everyone wants to escape, while Serbia strengthens its reputation and position in the world, thanks to the neutrality policy. . In order to hide the real situation in Kosovo from your public, in recent days timed attacks have been pouring into Belgrade from the United States and Germany, so to speak. Serbia and its state leaders are unconditionally asked to recognize Pristina on the pretext of accepting reality. However, they do not have the same criteria when it comes to the Republika Srpska.

Aside from external pressures, open attacks against Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and his family, which have come from national portals, have been going on for years. That despite the crown pandemic, pressure and blackmail can be expected, Vučić announced on February 23 this year, when after the session of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party, he said that Serbia was facing a “difficult period” in which they would be exposed to “all possible pressures, campaigns and falsehoods”. “It is important that we understand the weight of the position we are in now, especially after the change in the US administration.” We can expect concentrated pressure from the EU and the US on Serbia to meet the requirements for, as it says. openly Washington, the recognition of Kosovo, while the EU will use a slightly different vocabulary, but will go towards the same goal. “He said he was proclaimed hegemon.

Almost two months later, a professor at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, Daniel Server, said that Vučić was “trying to build a greater Serbia by conducting a campaign in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.” To protect Pristina because it did not fulfill its obligation of the Brussels Agreement and did not form the Union of Serbian Municipalities, Server went a step further and emphasized that Albanians should request a reciprocal mechanism from Serbia for the possible formation of the JCC. He claims that the Biden administration should help Pristina by convincing Russia to allow Kosovo’s membership in the UN.

Former Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Zivadin Jovanovic, tells “Politika” that everything Server said is a continuation of what the Biden administration announced in its strategy: that it will try to solve everything according to the old patterns. “The server does not know that the multipolar world has been on the scene for a long time and that the United States is no longer the only superpower. It is simply amazing how many visions of the past that have nothing to do with the present these analysts like him present. It’s just amazing how they haven’t thought of anything new in the last 20 years and are talking again about creating a ‘Greater Serbia’ that only they see, ”says Jovanović.

Server’s allegations that President Vučić is trying to build a “Greater Serbia” are viewed by former FRY chief of diplomacy Vladislav Jovanović as great dissatisfaction and frustration from those who did harm to Serbs when they were in power. and they regret not being able to do something bad to us again. “Today, Serbia is in a completely different position and everyone can see that.” Instead of the accusations of these servants, we should expect the United States to establish forms of cooperation with that Serbia, also taking into account our national interests, “said Jovanovic. He claims that Matthew Palmer told a completely different story a few days ago. “Palmer is the current US official, who in conversations with Vučić praised Serbia’s initiatives to help neighboring countries with vaccine donations and praised the initiative of the ‘small Schengen’ and the strengthening of economic cooperation in the region, “said Vladislav Jovanovic, but added that some others in Europe cannot be reconciled with the strengthening of Serbia.

A few days ago, a German analyst and, as claimed by some portals, knowledgeable about the Balkan situation, Johanna Daimel, stated that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, has so far managed to wave the EU flag, claiming that he is in favor of the integration. “With the new methodology of the EU enlargement process, in which the rule of law and reforms are related to financial aid from the EU, Vučić could soon see difficult times because China and Russia are certainly not alternatives to the Union. European, “said Johanna Daimel. Voice of America. It states that Russia offers support to Serbia in the field of foreign policy, especially in the UN Security Council, and represents an advantage in the negotiations with Brussels and Washington, while China provides fast money and “infrastructure for surveillance systems. that suit the Vucic autocrats. ” On the other hand, all this contributes to a significant loss of the image of the EU, both due to the current situation of vaccines, and in relation to the enlargement of the EU, believes Daimel.

Commenting on Daimel’s accusations that Vučić will have difficult days, analyst Dragomir Andjelković told “Politika” that there will always be those who will try to intimidate us, and that now he is coming from Germany it is not unexpected because Berlin is pressuring us to solve the Kosovo problem. . condition. “These are all threats with an empty rifle because the world has changed so much. Any greater pressure on Serbia would push our country further towards China and Russia. We are no longer in the position of having a side of the world that we should worship. The geopolitical context has changed and in that sense it must react in this way, but we must be clear about it ourselves. We must make known what we are prepared for and what we are not prepared for when it comes to Kosovo. We have to form an offensive strategy, and why would we tolerate the Brussels Agreement if the other party does not? ”, Concludes Dragomir Andjelković.

The government will offer a platform for Kosovo and Metohija

As the presidential elections in Serbia approach, there are more and more inscriptions on opposition portals that speculate on various unfounded theories, according to which it is probably more common that the West has appointed Aleksandar Vučić to recognize the independence of Kosovo, but now he decided to deny her support. Commenting on these accusations, Dragomir Andjelković claims that everything is unfounded. He says the Serbian political scene should insist on consensus on key national issues. He notes that the government should take that step and provide a platform for Kosovo and the Republika Srpska. He adds that it must be made clear that we will not recognize Kosovo or accept new concessions. “It should not be a question of political divisions. There will always be portals that defend things that are not in the national interest, and there will always be attempts to politicize things from the government or the opposition,” says Andjelkovic.

Server The “assassin of Putin” would agree to strengthen NATO

The fact that Daniel Server has no contact with real life is also evidenced by the fact that he asked the current US administration to demand that Russia allow Kosovo to enter the UN, at the time Biden accused Putin of being a murderer. The President of Russia dropped the ball and wished Biden good health. Due to these unproven accusations, Moscow withdrew its ambassador from Washington, which has not happened in a long time. Russian upper house deputy speaker Konstantin Kosachev said Biden’s comments were unacceptable and would inevitably lead to the worsening of already bad ties. “This type of evaluation is not allowed for a statesman of that rank. Such statements are not acceptable under any circumstances,” Kosačov emphasized.
