Politika Online – We expect about 50,000 people to enter the country each week.


Although a day has passed since the Kovid 19 Suppression Crisis Team’s decision to monitor our citizens upon their return to the country, it is still not entirely clear how exactly this will be done and what the sanctions are for those who do not comply. . The Crisis Staff announced that the new measure will take effect on Friday at 6 pm, so epidemiologists are supposed to explain everything in detail by then. This is important for the return of our citizens who are on vacation abroad.

In a conversation with “Politika”, Primarius Dr. Predrag Kon, epidemiologist at the Belgrade Public Health Institute and member of the Crisis Team for the Suppression of Kovid 19, says that the exact sanctions for those who ignore the implementation of this measure are not have argued in the Crisis Team.

We expect 50,000 people to enter the country each week. It is a great blow to the health system. For four weeks we have been saying that there is an epidemiological risk of importing the crown from another country. We had to make a very serious decision in the form of supervision of the returnees. I think it will be difficult to implement, but the mechanisms and ways to implement the measures are currently being further determined. Surveillance means that a person arrives in the country and receives a warning about calling a doctor within 24 hours. This will be done in several ways. We are working on what will be the models to inform the Serbian health system. People will report to kovid clinics and institutes of public health. This form of reporting should allow as few people as possible to use ambulances. Currently there are electronic mechanisms in operation that are based on self-assessment of virus symptoms. Surveillance does not include self-isolation and quarantine. The new decision now obliges the individual, if they have a fever or some other symptom of a respiratory infection, to report to the Kovid clinic and be examined. The issue of self-isolation could not be introduced because it would be difficult to implement. That is why the most optimal solution was found in accordance with legal regulations, explains Dr. Kon.

There has been a lot of speculation in the public since kovid 19 came out about whether the published data is accurate and whether the number of actual deaths is being hidden. That is why Dr. Kon decided to do a kind of analysis to determine the most accurate data about it. He points out that the analysis is not complete because the data is only included until June, but that it answered the question of mortality from kovida 19. Death certificates of citizens, issued to registrars, as well as other necessary certificates for burial were analyzed. They are forms that are filled out by doctors and that go through the system, eventually reaching the institute and institute of public health.

– These data are the most reliable in our country. According to the analysis, from March to June, 210 people died in Belgrade from kovida 19 as the main and immediate cause of death. Only one case was that the immediate cause of death was kovid 19 and the underlying malignancy. There were 29 deaths from viral pneumonia, which were not recorded in previous years. In total mortality, counting all the deceased, and after a period of five years ago, we find that in March 92 more people died in the capital compared to the average of previous years. In April, the figure was 246 and in May 85 fewer people died than in previous years. In June, 92 more people died again than before. That month, 3,235 inhabitants of the capital fell ill from the crown, according to citizen reports, and 127 died from this disease. It should be known that we noticed a big hit in July, and the fact is that the largest number of people passed away that month, notes Dr. Kon.

Regarding the PCR tests, 105,137 citizens were tested in this way in Belgrade and, according to individual reports of deaths from infectious diseases, 302 people died. Since the crown appeared in Belgrade, 7,246 inhabitants of the capital have fallen ill since mid-August, where a virus was identified by PCR.

– We had 751 people with symptoms of the virus, which was not identified by the tests. In July, more than half of the people registered so far fell ill with corona, and we expect the number of deaths from corona to be significantly higher on death certificates as well, reaching around 500. These are real data. I still think it is necessary to review the medical records of all the deceased throughout the country. It will be a great job but also a great contribution to the future. Audits will be conducted around the world. This is important because of people’s trust in preventive medicine – concluded Dr. Kon.
