Politika Online – Video message from Matija Bećković: Everyone needs to come out on Kosovo


Academician Matija Bećković posted a video message saying that the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts should announce its position on the most important and current issue of Serbia and the Serbian nation – Kosovo and Metohija.

The invitation to the Academy to testify on Kosovo is Bećković’s reaction to the recent statements by SANU President Vladimir Kostić and the controversy in the public about it.
It should be remembered that Kostic declared six years ago that at this time, the only political wisdom is how to get out of Kosovo, with elements of dignity, because “it is neither de facto nor de jure in the hands of Serbia,” reports Sputnik. It was made public with the same attitude several times after it was the subject of numerous public debates and condemnations, culminating in a protest.


“Association of Languages ​​and Literature of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Serbia

Respected colleague.

I join the academics Piper, Tešić and Danojlić.

What I think of Kosovo and Metohija is known to all and I will not repeat it.

What the president of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts has repeatedly said about Kosovo and Metohija has become a kind of magic cube. Some, like himself, believe that this is his personal opinion to which he is entitled, and others that the opinion of the president of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts cannot be personal.

In any case, that opinion came out in public to oppose and approve, provoked controversy and petitions. It was the reason for the first demonstrations in the 150-year history of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Most importantly, it raised doubts about the position of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts on Kosovo and Metohija, the most current and important issue of Serbia and the Serbian nation.

To be clear, it is necessary for the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts to officially declare its position online and offline at this crucial moment, that is, all its members declare themselves, because the Presidency and the Executive Committee already do so. have made. they declared.

If the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts does not do that, the Department of Language and Literature should not be silent and leave the public without a clear and unequivocal answer.

With respect

Matija Bećković “
