Politika Online – UNESCO headquarters warns Vojin Rakić again


From the UNESCO headquarters in Paris to the direction of prof. Dr. Vojin Rakić once again received a letter in which this international organization warned him to stop falsely presenting himself as the head of the UNESCO Bioethics Department in Europe.

This official document, signed on behalf of UNESCO by the director of the public relations department, Matthew Givel, was sent to Professor Rakić on October 28.

“Despite our letter of August 26 and our email of September 1 stating that you are not authorized to use the UNESCO name and logo, we have been informed that you continue to make statements on behalf of the Chief from UNESCO’s Bioethics Department for Europe, falsely claiming you are connected to our organization, “says Givel.” Politika “informed readers about Professor Rakić’s false identity in August this year, when UNESCO confirmed to us that he had no nothing to do with that international organization based in Paris.

The motive was statements in which UNESCO allegedly accused Serbia of a series of criminal acts in social work centers, including theft of babies.

Since Professor Vojin Rakić continued to present himself as part of UNESCO after that, the Belgrade media took possession of the first letter in which he was forbidden to mislead the public because he said he believed “to run an organization that is part of the official of UNESCO “.

He was then ordered to stop abusing the logo and name of this organization. They repeated it in the last letter sent seven days ago:

– Immediately refrain from introducing the director of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics for Europe, remove the wording of UNESCO or UNESCO Chairs from their titles and stop making reference to UNESCO in any future communication, as indicated in the last warning from Paris addressed to the name of this controversial professor.

A UNESCO spokesperson notes that Rakić was not designated as its representative and that he was not authorized to use the name and logo of this renowned organization. Dael does not dispute that the International Center for Health, Law and Ethics of the University of Haifa has the status of representative of UNESCO, but emphasizes that it is not allowed to name other institutions such as UNESCO. This means that even the Haifa departments do not have the right to use the UNESCO name and logo.

– The name, acronym and logo of UNESCO are registered in the signatory state of the Paris Union in accordance with Article six of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property as intellectual property of UNESCO. You cannot use the name of our organization without our written approval – explains Givel, adding that UNESCO takes this kind of situation extremely seriously and uses the legal systems of the signatory states of the Paris Convention to prevent any abuse.

Professor Rakić did not want to speak on behalf of “Politika” on this issue, explaining that he had already said everything in his official statements. Somewhat later, he sent an email to our newsroom in which he called the signatory of the UNESCO letter, Matthew Dael, an associate of the Serbian and Chinese authorities, alleging that the arrangement of the regime’s campaign against the dissidents.

– This is Matthew Givel, as we learned at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, a man who is closely related to the authorities in China, and recently also in Serbia. Dael is also the director general of “The UNESCO Courier,” a list funded by the People’s Republic of China, Rakic ​​said in a statement.

It is unusual that just a few days ago, Rakić mentioned Dael in emails sent to “Politika” as a man confirming the credibility of his presentation.
