Politika Online – The number of founders is growing only in Belgrade


In the last decade, 223 houses have been removed from the map of eight-year-olds in Serbia, and smaller buildings in a more remote rural landscape, and when the data from the beginning and the end of the statistical scale are compared from the Similarly, eight-year-olds have 61,152 fewer elementary school students. And these are the official data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, which prepared a kind of cross-sectional sample of ten years of school life in numbers, analyzing them from year to year, but according to the calendar of students and educators. for whom the new work year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. next year. The result of this work is a graphic presentation “Primary education in the Republic of Serbia, 2010 – 2019” that provides data that relates exclusively to regular primary schools, which means that this analysis does not consider the situation in schools for students with disabilities or those for adult primary education. To avoid confusion, this is first clarified by Dušan Radovanović, statistician-analyst at the Department of Education and Culture of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, in a conversation for our newspaper.

– When we talk about the number of schools that were closed, it is important to mention that these are separate classes in rural areas with one or two students, which were closed because there were no new children to enter the banks. There is no room for error, because everything is correlated with demographic indicators of reduced natural growth and extinction of villages without inhabitants in certain parts of the country, explains Radovanović, who used a statistical lens to cover the picture of a decade of primary education in our homeland.

The home school network has been expanded by 23 new eight-year-olds. It does not mean that in ten years there were no closings of the main schools, but that it happened in exceptional situations, because even in smaller areas, children gravitate towards the benches of these buildings, because they are bigger, better equipped, with better infrastructure. . Today, eight or nine students enter the youngest of eight, and Radovanović did not realize in the past decade that no school in the home was closed because no child of the generation could enroll, but it is typical that in such situations put a lock on separate classes in more remote rural areas. areas.

Srdjan pecenicic

The latest example of the closure of the eight-year school in Belgrade was the closure of the primary school “Stari grad” in 2017, when the number of students was reduced to less than 150. It was within the streamlining of the school network of the capital and, according to the ministry, many local governments across the country have yet to get the job done.

– When a small number of students remain, most of the smaller homeschool join or become a separate class from another home school. That is why in our publications we always make a difference by separating the data that refer to the main schools and separate classes, so that it is clear that it is not the main ones that are closing, but mostly separate small ones. Although in some places we have separate large classes, sometimes by the number of students and larger than the primary schools to which they belong – illustrates our interlocutor.

Ten autumns ago, there were 10,744 younger schoolchildren in first grade pews, more than in September last year on the territory of Serbia. Belgrade is the only region in which there is an increase in the number of primary school students, especially in the houses of knowledge that are the youngest, and as they were made from year to year they fill their maximum capacity, because due to the good conditions of life and work do not belong territorially, that is, they do not live in the school district. The largest decrease in the number of students occurred in the south and east of Serbia.

– If we look at the beginning of the 2010/11 school year. and 2019/20. It is clear that there are almost 28,500 fewer children in the southern and eastern region of Serbia. The situation in Šumadija and western Serbia is not much better, there are around 23,400 fewer primary school students there, while in Vojvodina we have the number of primary school students decreasing by more than 18,500, explains Dušan Radovanović.
