Politika Online – The movie “Dara iz Jasenovac” is not propaganda


Today, the Minister of Culture and Information, Maja Gojković, condemned the attacks on the film “Dara iz Jasenovac” in the text of the New York magazine “Varajati”, which claims that Predrag Gaga Antonijević’s achievement is propaganda.

“The attacks on the film ‘Dara iz Jasenovac’ and the attempt to discredit it, through completely inappropriate, unfounded and false political assessments and accusations, do not represent a criticism of the film, but rather an attempt to challenge the right to speak of Jasenovac as a place of suffering for the Serbian people, “Gojkovic said in a statement.

The Minister points out that “Dara iz Jasenovac” is not propaganda, and that the film is the voice of the victim, a story about suffering and a camp that was unique in that it had an extermination camp for children in its system.

“Thanks to the human and artistic courage of director Predrag Gaga Antonijevic, the actors and all the participants in the making of the film, this suffering was finally shown on the screen after more than seven decades of silence,” Gojkovic said.

According to the statement, “it is obvious that” Dara de Jasenovac “is not nationalist propaganda, nor is it directed against anyone.

“This is a story based on historical facts and authentic testimonies from the surviving victims of the horrors of this camp.” The truth about Jasenovac and his victims cannot be hidden. “Regardless of the intentions of those trying to harm the film with such subterfuges and orderly campaigns and the obligation to speak out about Jasenovac, the world must know the monstrosity of these crimes,” Gojković notes.

He adds that the movie “The Gift of Jasenovac” is a work that deserves due attention from the world audience and the public, who were deprived of the truth about the suffering of Serbs, Jews and Roma in World War II.

The critic of the New York magazine “Variety”, Jay Weisberg, described the Serbian candidate for the Oscar, the film “Gifts from Jasenovac”, of “nationalist propaganda”.
