Politika Online – Stefanović on the issue of “eavesdropping”: Vučić is my friend with whom I share my destiny for more than 20 years


“For several days, I have been listening to speculation and speculation behind the scenes in which it is publicly or covertly and perfidiously insinuated about my potential knowledge about the wiretapping of the President of the Republic.

On that occasion, and with the sole purpose of not allowing lies and innuendo to damage my name and work so far, I will remind all the evildoers that Aleksandar Vučić is my friend, a man with whom I have shared my destiny for more than 20 years. years, a statesman from whom I learned everything. about politics and when I follow it without reservation from the first day of our acquaintance and friendship, both politically and in every other way. I also tell you that no one should defend President Vučić from me. Thanks to him, all this time I have been in politics and in the functions that I have carried out until now, including the current one, so I am completely ready to immediately withdraw at his invitation, if it is in the interest of our joint fight for a Serbia. best.

Regarding the current case of wiretapping of President Vučić, I made a very clear position, in a short interview with “Sputnik”, the only media outlet that asked for my comment at the time. I said that it was obvious that there was a part of the people who abused their powers and functions, and that all the facts must be revealed, because the state is the strongest. I’m sorry that the journalist from “Kurir” called after that, but I don’t intend to repeat identical phrases on the same day on an extremely serious topic, just so that some outlets have an exclusive.

With due respect for the freedom of the media to express their opinions, I cannot allow my name and the duties of the Defense Minister to be damaged by lies and innuendo, speculating that I am some kind of spy. However, they have not yet agreed on who: a spy for the CIA or some Russian service, considering that I gave the interview to “Sputnik”. Does this mean that everyone who ever gave interviews to a foreign media house has become foreign spies because of it?

I know I’m definitely not that. I love Serbia above all, I serve my country and above all I love my people, as well as our Army and the Ministry of Defense, of which I am the head. I am neither Russian, nor American, nor Chinese, nor anyone else’s, but my own man, a Serbian, whose father, grandfather and great-grandfather fought for the freedom of this country. I also know that as a Minister of Defense and a member of the Government, I took the oath of loyalty to my country and respect for its Constitution, and that is the greatest part and obligation for me.

In a state governed by the rule of law, like Serbia, the laws are respected, and as a former Minister of the Interior and current Minister of Defense, I let the institutions of my country do their work and I am sure that this story will have a quick epilogue “.
