Politika Online: severance pay of up to one million dinars for airport workers


Fixed-employment workers at the “Nikola Tesla” airport are offered severance pay of between 800,000 and 1 million dinars for voluntary departure from the company, and in some categories even more. It is not yet known how many workers they need to obtain a workbook, but apparently more will apply for the social program than planned by Frenchman “Vance”, who has been entrusted with managing the Belgrade airport concession.

On that occasion, representatives of “Vansija” and the union met yesterday, announcing a strike notice for next Friday. Vesna Vilotić, president of the union “Together” of the airport “Nikola Tesla”, tells “Politika” that they accepted the conditions and the employer’s categorization, according to which more than 88 percent of the workers would receive the indicated amount of money, and for certain categories the severance pay would be more than one million dinars. But in exchange, they ask that all employees who apply for the voluntary departure program be allowed to do so. According to the union’s assessment, those who work for a specified period of time and whose contracts expire soon, and there is no plan to extend it, should be hired for their jobs. However, the employer refuses.

Vilotić says that their opinions on that issue are different. That is why it was agreed that they would meet again next week, and the Minister of Labor, Zoran Djordjevic, announced that he would also visit them in the coming days and try to reach a solution.

– The employer says that this program was made to encourage a certain number of people to leave, but that they cannot jeopardize the business. According to them, this is not a program whose essence is such a replacement, and they cannot approve it. They promised to retain a certain number of people, when the contract expires, when necessary. That’s a small step forward, because it was originally planned that all the people whose contract expires, and there are currently 300 of them at the airport, will not see their employment extended any more, says Vilotić.

According to her, 1,326 people and 400 contract workers are permanently employed at Belgrade airport. Our interlocutor points out that the essence is that they still do not have systematization and cannot obtain information from the employer about how much they think there are employees dismissed and in what positions.

– It is obvious that we do not have the same opinions on this issue, because we see that we are already short of workers in certain sectors. It is inconvenient to estimate how many people will apply to the social program, but depending on the interest, it would seem that there will be many more than they should be. To save, they have to do a reorganization, but we will not allow them to do it by adding more obligations to an employee, Vilotić adds.

Earlier this week, “Belgrade Airport” told “Politika” that they adopted a restructuring model to further reduce costs due to the drastic impact that the kovid 19 virus had on air traffic in the last six months. The restructuring involves a voluntary exit program for interested permanent employees. At that time, they were of the opinion that expiring fixed-term contracts could not be renewed. As they explained, they were forced to reorganize because the number of passengers in the first half of this year decreased by 61.4 percent, and in the second quarter by up to 94.6 percent compared to the same period in 2019. , which resulted in a significant reduction in the company’s revenue. .
