Politika Online – SDA against the report on the suffering of Sarajevo Serbs


From our correspondent

SARAJEVO – The report of the International Independent Commission for the Investigation of the Suffering of Serbs in Sarajevo from 1991 to 1995, adopted by the Government of the Republika Srpska, was immediately rejected by the Bosnians for fear of “destroying” their (un) truth on the suffering of the Serbian people in the city. Miljacki. The report was prepared by six world experts, members of a commission headed by Rafael Izraeli, a professor at the Hebrew University.

Milorad Kojic, director of the Republic Center for the Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons, said that this was a document “which reflects the character of everything that happened to the Serbs of Sarajevo” and that it clearly emphasized “concrete facts” as irrefutable proof that during the war “there was no siege of Sarajevo”, as the Bosnians claim, but that it was a “blockade”. According to Kojic, the report unequivocally defines that the Serbian community in Sarajevo was destroyed.

“They proved with facts that it was a blockade. They also dealt with the camps in Sarajevo, the rapes and other abuses of the Serbian people in their city, as well as one of the most important points: the conclusion that the Serbian community in Sarajevo was completely destroyed, “said Kojic, noting that the number of Sarajevo Serbs killed was declared in a report identical to the number established by the center it runs a few years ago.

The Bakir Izetbegović Democratic Action Party (SDA) “reads” the results of this investigation as “a new attempt by the Republika Srpska authorities to reshape the truth about the Sarajevo site with blatant falsifications and falsehoods.” Members of the SDA, many of whom participated in the war, also reject responsibility for the mass expulsion of Serbs from Sarajevo and the confiscation of their property, saying it was “the work of the Karadzic (Radovan) gangs”, who, said in a statement, “persecution of the Serbs” from the area of ​​Grbavica, Vogošća, Ilidža, Ilijaš and Hadžić.

“The commission hired by the RS government is neither scientific nor independent, nor is its objective to establish the truth, but quite the opposite: to try to confirm the criminal policy of Mladic (Ratko) and Karadzic with a false report,” states the SDA.

To the SDA messages from Izetbegović, the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Milorad Dodik responded that soon no one will be able to dispute the fact that 150,000 pre-war Serbian citizens no longer live in Sarajevo, nor will they be able to deny , above all, “the extent of the murders and torture.” then material damage.

“As far as the Serbs are concerned, the Serbian community in Sarajevo is completely crushed and destroyed. 150,000 Serbian citizens were expelled, leaving behind more than 50,000 homes. Each of them is worth, on average, at least 50,000 euros, which is means that in Sarajevo there is a wealth close to 25,000 million euros, which the Bosnians got for a pittance, and they stole a lot, as is the case of the apartments of the JNA members, which were never returned to the owners “, Dodik said.
